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Jenna POV
I was finishing up my shift when Johnny approached me
"Oh hey Johnny, what's up?" I ask
"The sky" he smiles

I just smile back

"Haha, very funny you little jokester" I say sarcastic
"Listen I got to tell yo...."

Beep beep

I look over and see Julie honking while dad tries to get her to sit back in her seat. I just look at a starring Johnny. He looks back so the same bewildered face and I just crack a smile.

"Eh, hehe" I smile

I was about to add something else when I hear a car door close. Oh no. I hope it's not dad, he gets really protective, and he's the reason why guys are afraid to talk to me. I take a quick glance and what do you know, it's dad. I look at Johnny who looks intimidated by my dad's tall frame.

"Listen Johnny tell me tomorrow" I say anxious and throwing off my apron while running to the car

"Bye joe!" I yell out

Hopefully he heard me from my office. Brandon was flirting with some girl at the counter. I pass by like speedy Gonzalez.

"See ya tomorrow Brandon!" I say making him look

I run to where my dad was walking and I push him towards the car.

"Hey, hey kiddo what do you think your doing" he says
"Heading to dinner" I say anxious to get us out of embarrassment reach

I quickly get in the car where emma giggles and Julie plays on her phone and max greets me so his tongue.

"Ew" I say below my breath

My dad gets in the car

"Alright kiddo, you saved yourself this time, but don't think I won't embarrass you next time' he says as he grabs moms hand

Mom just smiles at dad. I never really understood how my mother could stand my dad and his need to embarrass his children!

"Yeah, next time, I'll run faster" I say back

Both mom and dad laugh

"What what's so funny?" I ask confused
"You think you'll escape your dad's torment" mom chuckles
"Hey one if these days I will" I point toward them
"Are we there yet??" Max whines
"Almost there bud" my dad says into the rear view mirror

All of us kids just groan. Except for emma who of course, guess what? Giggles! Seriously that's all she does. I think I'm just going to ignore the fact that she has a name and call her giggles.
**10 more min. of driving**
Jenna POV
I was on my phone texting Celia when we hear

"Alright kids let's go get some food!" My dad yells getting out of the car
"YES! I'm going to eat some steak tonight!" Max yells jumping out of the car
"Animal" Julie says

We both star laughing because we know how crazy he gets. Max is just like dad. All about food. Mom just nods her head while taking out Emma. Dad's waiting by max looking like a giraffe next to my tiny little brother.

"So what's their names?" Julie asks
"Who?" I ask puzzled
"The cute guys you work with!" Julie whispers knowing if dad heard he'd flip

Unfortunately mom had already grabbed emma and max decided to circle around us and he heard everything.

"Ooooooooo!!!!!! I'm going to tell dad!!" Max says ticking his tongue out

Both Julie and I give each other a horrified look and run through the parking lot after our obnoxious brother.

"Come here you little brat!" Julie yelled
"Ahhhhhh! Dad! There's monster chasing me!!!" Max yells causing mom and dad to look behind us
"Girls, behave" mom armed as the Little farthest hid behind mom
"Oh you better not say anything" I threaten my brother
"Yeah, or someone might not have eyebrows tomorrow!" Julie warns
"Did you hear that dad? Abuse!" Max shouted

My dad took emma from my mom who had max stuck to her like glue. He looked at us while Emma had her toy in her mouth.

"Alright you three, you better behave tonight, and remember say happy birthday to uncle puck" dad warned

Every time he holds emma while he chides us, it really has no effect. I mean who can take a giant man holding a cute baby seriously? Not me, that's who. Before entering the actual fancy dinner place mom looks at the three of us

"No funny business tonight, ok?" She warns

"Yeah girls" max says closing his eyes and folding his arms

We all look at him

"Yeah max" Jenna and I say in unison

Every time we say something at the same time we high five each other and say


We've been doing it since max was born, so when we were like five. Ah, the good old days, when we didn't have a snotty brother. Those were the days.

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