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Jenna POV
Today after school is my first time going to my first job. It's at this little shop for fishing equipment. I'm able to walk home from the store which is a pretty good advantage. I'm so excited, not even Julie has a job, or my friend savannah or Harvey. Julie and I kinda of share friends. But that beside the point. I told mom and dad and when I did it was super awkward.

I had just come home to my house. My interview went so well, the owner, joe, said I could start Monday! I'm so happy. But I just have mom or Emma to tell. Julie is out with jenny and max went to football practice, and dad's most likely working at the tire shop. So I decided to go to moms room because Emma's most likely taking her nap.

"Hey mom, I got a Jo.........ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I yell not being able to finish my sentence as I open the door. Just as fast as I opened it, I closed it. Mom wasn't alone, and dad wasn't working let just leave that at that

I had walked in on my parents doing it! It was sooooo grossssss!!!!!!! I'll never get the burning image out of my poor innocent mind. But jeez, my parents are like rabbits, we always hear them at it, it's like they're trying to not let emma be the youngest. Seriously I don't even like hearing, let alone seeing it!
End of flashback

Jenna POV
I still shutter at the thought of that day. Of course my parents managed to make me getting a job into something that I am never able to say out loud, in public. Leave it to my family to pull that kind if crap. Ahh but I still love those crazy little sex addicts I call parents. People wonder why I have so many little brothers and sisters and how my parents are still young, after all of us! Anyway, I'm ready to go to my very first job.
Julie POV
I was getting up to start my morning routine when I hear little giggles and snickers. I just guess it's emma again but then I see the mirror, and horror!!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream

Because my brother did something horrible!!! He cut off my long luscious beautiful hair!!! That little

"MAAAAXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell for that little troll
Jenna POV
I walk toward my sisters room, only to see my little brother running away and my dad running outside with a bat.


Both me and my dad scream. I scream because he has a bat aimed at me!

"Jenna! What are you doing?" My dad asked
"Walking in my house! What are you doing!???" I yell because um...hello? He still has the bat aimed at me!
"Oh, well still, why did your sister scream?" My dad asked
"I'd prefer you put the bat down" I say with my hands up

My dad put the bat down as my mother ran in with baby emma and a flashlight

"What, whats wrong!??" My mother asked prepared
"Nothing, your both crazy and if you don't let us leave we're going to be late" I say going down the stairs to get breakfast

My parents stand there bewildered as max makes his way down the stairs behind me.
After my brother made his way downstairs, he sat on the kitchen stool waiting to be served. He even had his arms folded and the same evil smirk that happens to resemble to my dad's.

"What?" I ask him getting my cereal
"I'm waiting for my breakfast" he smiled
"Well get it yourself, I ain't your slave" I say leaning over the counter
"Pleeaasssseeee" he whined
"What did you do to Julie?" I smiled, trying to know what good deed my brother did
"Oh nothing, just gave her a trim" he smiled devilishly
"Cinnamon toast crunch is it?" I smiled back, because this should be hilarious

My dad walked downstairs with emma in his hands and his facial expression did not look pleased.

"Hey dad" I said
"Jen, mind explaining what your brother did to your sister?" He asked putting emma in her high chair
"Gee, I don't know you should ask him," I say not wanting to give my brother away, because he's already going to get enough from queen bee herself
"Max?" Dad said in a stern tone
"Well you see pops.." Max said

Then we hear

"NOOOOO!!!! Not there!!"

Max and I look at each other and laugh, then we see dad's face and we shut up. Dad can be pretty scary when he wants to be.

"Max"  dad said one more time
"Oh look dad, it's seven forty! Looks like we're going to be late" max said getting up

Emma was giggling with Cheerios in her face.

"That's it! I'm not going to school!!!..........NO! You can't make me!"

My dad just puts his hand to his face and gets up, he looks at max and goes

"Don't think you've gotten away with this"

The he looks at me and goes

"Go get your sister, or were going to be late" he said pointing at me and grabbing the keys

"" I said going up the stairs

He turns to me with max

"What?" He asks with max

"Forgetting something?" I point toward his bare chest

"Oh yeah" he replied running back upstairs

"Yeah," I roll my eyes

My family is so weird sometimes,

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