Beach Trip pt2

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Jenna POV
Yay! We found parking. Mom saw uncle pucks car and there was a car leaving next to their car, so it really was perfect. As son as dad finished. Max jumped out bouncing up and down excited. Julie took her nice ass time getting out of the freaken car. Dad unbuckled emma and mom grabbed our things. I was kind of stuck, so I had to wait till they all were done. Finally after waiting I got out! Mom was walking behind max, who was practically sprinting to the beach

"Max! Slow down" mom yelled

Max paused and look impatient

It's so weird to see your dad without a shirt, and he has a six pack so all the ladies take a double take when they see him holding a two year old and standing next to two fourteen year olds. Same goes with mom, not gonna lie, my parents are a couple of good looking people, so when guys see mom with max they also flip out, so don't even get me started when they see the rest of us behind.
Jenna POV
We see aunt Santana on a bunch of towels while uncle puck throws a football at Carmen. Celia and Carmen are very athletic in all sports, even though Carmen's like only seven. Max runs to them like the freaken flash and mom grabs emma as dad goes over to uncle puck. Julie grabs her big pink towel and sets it down next to Celia's. I just get my green towel and lay it out near Celia's as well.
Rachel POV
I take emma to let puck and Finn catch up and I make my way toward Santana. I can't believe I saw all those women staring at Finn! Like excuse me, I'm his wife and mother to his four children, not appropriate. I took off my dress leaving me in a black bikini. Then I sat next to Santana who was in a red two piece as well, and put emma I between my legs. Santana took off her sunglasses and smiled

"Finally rach! I thought you'd never make it!" Santana said
"Well you can blame Jules for that, she really take forever!" I reply
"That's how you know she your kid, your both divas" Santana points out
"Yeah, yeah, let's get our tanning on, oh! And tell me all, that's going on" I say
"Let's tan and chat" Santana says laying back
A couple hours later

Jenna POV
After a couple volleyball games with uncle puck and dad and Celia I went to the towel to chill. I was with dad of course, and we won, duh? Julie decided to tan along with mom and aunt San. Such a girly girl, I tell you. Dad saw a bunch of guys trying to hit on mom, even though she was holding emma, and decided to go "get a sandwhich" or so he claims. My dad gets super jealous, super fast. Celia and uncle puck decide to play a few more rounds with Max and Carmen. I went over to get a water bottle and when I bend down I saw something. Immediately I lay down next to it and point

"Woaaahhhhh!!!!!! Tattoo!!!!" I point on my stomach next to my moms ribs

It was so small, and unnoticeable, and, and, sneaky

'Yes Jenna, I have a tattoo" my mom says like it's no big deal

Julie nearly jumps up. She looks to where I'm looking and lays on her stomach as well.

"What does it say!??" She asks laying down next to me
"It's dad's name, finn" I say my dad's name dramatically
"Wow, who knew mom was cool enough to have one of these!" Julie exclaims
"Yeah! When'd you get it??" I ask curious as dad came over kissing my mom

"You should show them yours Finn" aunt San said

"Woah! Dad has one too!?? Let me see!!" Julie said looking for my dad's tattoo

Dad just showed us his bicep and we see in small, but noticeable, lettering Rachel. He looked so proud and mom was blushing

"Tell us mom" I say waiting to hear the story

Dad just gives her a look and she begins

"This was right after max was born, and your dad and I decided we wanted to put something on our bodies, that we would never regret" my mom smiled as if recalling the memory, while dad wrapped his arm around her

"Your dad liked it so much, he decide to get all your names on his body" aunt San interrupted

"Really? I want to see my name!" Julie exclaimed

Dad showed us his back and on the lower part was
Julie Hudson 4/12/01
Jenna Hudson 4/12/01
Max Hudson 9/25/05
Emma Hudson 6/3/13

I felt so special, I felt that my dad was so cool. Like um, who's a badass? My dad's a badass! But on a serious note, I feel so honored that my dad would mark his body with my name, and I never knew. This is not only freaken cool, but real sweet of him. My mom looked so proud too, they are what give me hope when it comes to love. Honestly my parents can be real kooky, but in the end, there kooky for each other.

So sorry I have not updated. High school is hard you guys ;(!! I promise to update as much as I can, but please be patient with me, and I know this chapter was kind of lame but still comment, vote, and share!! Thank you for everything and shoutout to FernandaCorrea5 whose got me hooked to there fanfiction and is awesome at writing! Honestly they are my goals👏👏when it comes to finchel fanfic also shout out to @Ali4104 and to @lilliemosley who always has something good to comment, like❤️thank you❤️so much, inspiration right there🙌🙌

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