"Throw that ass back on my dick ma." Jody Brown said to his girl Gigi as he slam into her body from behind.
"Ahhh daddy, slow down!" Gigi screamed.
"Mmm nah babe take this shit. You said you want it right?" Jody said still pounding into Gigi treasure box.
"Ahhhh, ooo, I can't t-take iiiit." Gigi moaned out, trying to keep up with Jody pace. It was no use. Jody was in his zone. He didn't had time to babysit Gigi pussy. He wanted to get his nut. All Gigi wanted to do was complain. She better shut her ass up and take that dick.
"Aahh fuuuck! Oooh Gigi I'm cumming." Jody groaned out.
"Good hurry up so you can get the fuck off me. You killing me." Gigi said, she wasn't enjoying her self no more. Jody always gotta be rough with her when it comes to sex, why couldn't they just make sweet passionate love like they do in the movies?
After Jody came down off his sexual high, he looked over at Gigi who was playing with her finger nails.
"Get out my bed, and get the fuck out my house." Jody told Gigi.
Gigi looked at him like he was stupid. This must be a joke Gigi thought. She started laughing. Jody looked at her like she was out her rabbit ass mind.
"Bitch nothing is funny. Get your fucking ass out my bed and out my house." Jody said pulling her out his bed.
Gigi looked shocked. Oh he was serious? Gigi thought.
"B-but what I do?" Gigi asked him putting on her nightgown.
"Bitch you act like you can't take the D."
"You was being to rough with me." Gigi eyes begin to water.
Jody didn't care about her ass crying.
"Bitch that was sex, it supposed to be rough. The fuck!" Jody frowned his face up at her.
"Why can't we just try to go again?" Gigi asked him already taking back off her nightgown.
Jody didn't even kook interested no more.
"No bitch, your shit couldn't even stay wet man. You need to fix that. Good-bye." Jody walked into his bathroom and stepped in the shower. He let the water run down his body.
He thought of time when he first met Gigi. It was not even two weeks ago. They met at the park where Jody was doing his morning run. He accidentally knocked her down.
He invited her out for coffee at Starbucks. They exchanged numbers and the rest is history, as you can see.
Jody stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
"What to do for the rest of the night?" Jody asked himself.
He decided to retired to bed early. He had a long day tomorrow.
He had to stop by his parents house, first thing in the morning to drop off his parents anniversary. Then he had to go to work, he owned a sex store call Pleasure. He made all kinds of sex toys. He did it for a living.
Jody Brown is a 25 year old business man. He own his own sex store call Pleasure. Yes he made his own sex toys, from Vibrators, to Dildos, G-Spot Vibrators, vibrating C-Ring, Mini bullet vibrators, male masturbation Sleeve, etc. He had it all. He don't use his products with his girlfriends or his one night stands. What for? He had everything they need. His dick and tongue. That's all they need.
He sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a long term relationship with someone. He like his life the way it is, but would he ever find love? Will he forever, just bed any female with a pussy? He like sex and he love women, well he love to have sex with women. All kind. He don't know what wrong with him. Was he addicted to sex or just the women? He ask his self that question every night before he go to bed.
He never had a steady relationship with anyone since he first started fucking. He was 15 at the time. Wasn't that a shame? Yep he had a problem.
Well there is the first chapter
Sorry its short
What you think?