Three Months Later
House in Media
Today was the day Nicole find out what she having. She and Jody was excited. She was happy now. She felt complete. She forgave Jody. For cheating on her. He had really show that she could trust him. He had put in work for her to forgave him.
"Aye babe, you seen my black hoodie?" Jody asked Nicole searching in his closet.
"Uhh I think you left it at my condo the other night." Nicole told him, putting her hair in a ponytail.
"Ugh did you get Liyah ready?" Jody asked Nicole putting on a white hoodie.
"Yes Jody I did. She is in the living room watching TV now." Nicole said walking out the bathroom.
"Babe I been thinking, we need a bigger place." Jody said looking over at Nicole as she put earrings in her ear.
"We?" Nicole looked at him.
"Yes baby we, when we have our baby I want y'all with me. So we can you know be a family." Jody said.
Nicole thought about it. Did she really want to move in with Jody? Was she ready?
"Okay that's fine. We can find something bigger."
Jody looked shocked.
"Yes babe really. Now come on before we be late." Nicole said walking out Jody bedroom.
Nicole picked Liyah up and she walked out the condo while Jody lock up the place.
Jody looked at Nicole while they was in the elevator. She was glowing. Her hair look shiny and her face look lighter.
Some people that get pregnant, pregnancy doesn't agree with them, but Nicole she is carrying her pregnancy well.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nicole asked Jody.
"Just admiring your beauty baby. That's all."
Nicole blushed then turn away from him.
"Thanks." She said shyly.
"You welcome."
They arrive at Lexington Ob/GYN , Nicole was seeing right away.
"Okay mom I see that you are here for an ultrasound." Sam said.
"Yes ma'am I am." Nicole nodded her head.
"Okay I need you to lie back and lift your shirt up for me."
Nicole laid back and lift her shirt.
Sam put the lubricant gel on Nicole stomach, and move the little stick around on Nicole stomach."Oooh look da-da look." Aliyah said with excitement pointing at the sonogram screen.
"Okay mom it looks like you are having a baby boy." Sam said wiping the gel off Nicole stomach.
"Yes." Jody said with a big smile on his face.
He have a little girl and a little boy now.
"So you want to go get something to eat first, or go look at some houses?" Jody asked Nicole.
"We can go look at some houses now. I'm not hungry." Nicole said.
Jody had to stop and look at Nicole for a minute. What? She not hungry? Now that's a shocker.
"Nothing." Jody crank the car up and drove Woodland district. They had a lot of houses for sale.
Jody and Nicole just drove around until they both eyes landed on a house that seem like it was just perfect for their family.
Jody and Nicole went to the front office to talk to some people for the house and to look inside.
They drove back to the house behind the people that own the house.
They looked inside the house it was a four bedrooms, 3.5 bathroom. With a full porch and two car garage. The cost of it it $419,990, all together. If they was to pay it monthly it will be $1,000 per month.
"So what you think baby?" Jody walked up to Nicole . .
"I love it! Let's get it!" Nicole said smiling big.
"You sure?" Jody asked her.
"Yes baby im so sure."
They turn to the real estate agent and told her that they would take the house.
The lady smiled big and told them to come back to the real estate office to sign some papers.
After everything was done they was now on their way to get something to eat. They decided to just go to pizza hut and order a pizza for tonight.
Jody couldn't be more happy. He felt like a new man. He getting everything he want. Next step is marriage. He can honestly say he love Nicole with all his heart and don't want to leave without her. Considering his life style and how he used to be.
He never thought a woman could change him, but Nicole change him for the better. Now he was a one woman's man.
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