Nicole really didn't know what to do or say when she got back to Jody condo with him. Aliyah fell asleep in the car, so she was taking a nap right now. Jody was in his room doing god knows what. And guess what she was doing? In this man kitchen cooking for him and his child.
She decided to make Shepard pie with corn bread with baked pork chops. Something simply. She really wasn't in the mood to be cooking.
Knock Knock
"Jody someone is knocking on your door." Nicole yelled to Jody.
"Answer it!" He yelled back.
"No this not my house to be answering doors!" She yelled back at him.
She heard him suck his teeth and mumbled something before coming in the leaving room with no shirt on and basketball shorts.
Why he got to be so fine? Nicole thought to her self."What y'all doing here?" She heard Jody asked some people.
"Your father have something to say to Nicole if she is here." Paula said stepping inside Jody condo.
John walked into the condo with his head down.
"I swear if you don't open up your mouth to talk, you will be sleeping on the couch. If you don't believe me, watch." Paula said to John.
John walked into the kitchen and walked over to Nicole who was standing by the dishes where the knives was located. Just in case John tried something. Not saying that he is, but just in case.
"Look I'm sorry for what I said to you and about you. It wasn't my intentions, my son is just like I was before I married his mother. I didn't want no one trying to trap him, like they trap me. The little hoe , God bless her soul , took all my money and it turn out the baby wasn't mine. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."
"Its okay. I forgive you." Nicole said to him, he pulled her into a hug.
"See was that so hard? Your mouth get you in trouble all the damn time." Paula said to John.
"Alright Paula damn, it's over with damn." John said to Paula sitting down next to her.
Jody walked in the kitchen and stand by Nicole.
"You good?" Jody asked Nicole.
Nicole just nodded.
"I got something for you later, so be prepare." Jody whispered in her ear.
She blushed. Only God knows what this man have plan for her.
"Enough of that." Paula yelled in the kitchen at Nicole and Jody.
"The food is done if you guys want to eat." Nicole said to them.
Jody and John hurried to get them a plate and sit down.
Paula just shook her head and walked in the kitchen got her a plate, then sit down next to John.
Nicole walked in Aliyah room to wake her up, but Liyah was already up breathing heavily like she was trying to catch her breath. Nicole rushed over to her, and picked her up in her arms.
"JODY!!!!!!!" Nicole screamed Jody name running to the front door with Liyah in her arms fighting to breathe.
"What's wrong with her?" Jody asked Nicole.
"Can't talk right now. Let's go to the hospital now." Nicole said grabbing Jody car keys and rushed to the elevator. "Breathe Lele breathe for me." Nicole said to Liyah with tears streaming down her face. Liyah still huffing and puffing trying to get air into her lungs.
Jody was on the phone with the operator telling them to send an ambulance just in case they don't make it to the hospital in time.
"No, no she just huffing and puffing trying to catch her breath." Jody said talking to the operator.
They got in the car and Jody speed down the road to the hospital with his parents right behind him. Jody looked over at Nicole hold his daughter in her arms. Like she really cared about her.
They made it to the hospital. Nicole rushed inside with Aliyah in her arms.
"Please somebody help me." She yelled to the front desk lady.
The lady rushed and grabbed Aliyah out Nicole arms and rushed to the back with Aliyah in her arms.
Jody and Nicole followed her along with Jody parents.
Nicole and Jody parents was allowed to go in. No one but Jody.
They stood outside until they could go in.
Twenty mins later Jody told them they could come in. Aliyah was sleep with an oxygen mask on her small face. Nicole broke down and cry.
"How is she son?" John asked Jody.
"She has asthma really bad. She just had an asthma attack. If it wasn't for Nicole going to check on her when she did, Liyah would have die." Jody said with a tear falling from his eye.
He hated Angel right now. She didn't even told him his child had asthma. Her ass didn't tell him nothing about his child.
The pediatric walked in.
"Hello family." He smile at them. "I'm Dr. Durant. I was looking over Aliyah files and it look like she suffered from child abuse once before when she was just an infant. She had a broken arm at one, now she's back with an asthma attack. Something is seriously going on in your house. I will have to get the police and DSS involved with this." He sighed then shook his head.
"Listen here, I just found out about my child, I didn't even know these things happen to her and you talking about getting a police involved. If you want to get the police involve make sure they lock the right muthafucka up for harming my child." Jody said angrily.
This doctor had him fucked up.
"Jody calm down." His mother said.
"No ma, this muthafucka trying to accused me of some shit that I didn't do. He got me fucked up." Jody yelled causing Aliyah to wake up and start crying.
Nicole walked over to her and hold her until she went back to sleep, which wasn't long at all.
"Angel Hilton?" Dr. Durant called out. "That's the lady that always bring her in."
"Lock that bitch up." Jody said.
What you think?Sorry if it seem boring.
Poor Liyah
Liyah has Asthma
Oh hell no, who beating on Liyah