Nicole outfit in Media
Nicole was downstairs in the laundry room on the first floor doing laundry when Jody walked in.
He walked in the room and when he saw Nicole, he sucked his teeth, and huffed. He would ignore her ass.Nicole didn't have Jody on her mind. She didn't even like the handsome stranger. And she thought light skinned niggas was full of their selves. Hmm okay.
Jody looked at Nicole outfit and his dick got hard. Her breast was sitting up nice in her sports bra, and them sweatpants she had on wasn't doing her ass no justice. Her ass was jiggling while she walk. Jody had to lick his lips. His mouth was getting dry.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nicole snapped at him.
Jody eyes looked up at Nicole face.
"Man nobody looking at you." Jody sucked his teeth. He went back to washing his clothes.
He would not let this girl get up under his skin today. He had to ship some of his sex toys to other sex stores by the end of the week. His business was going good.
He looked back over at Nicole and find her staring at him.
Jody smirked to his self.
Yeah she wants me. Jody thought to his self.
Nicole wish her clothes hurry up, she can't stand being around this man for so long. He made her want to do some things. No they are not godly things either. She don't know why he have the effect on her.
He caught her staring at him. Damn it. She thought. Then his ass had the nerve to smirk and wink her. Nicole just rolled her eyes, and turn away from him.
"Don't get mad, because I caught you looking at me." Jody laughed.
"Nigga please. You so full of yourself.."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Jody shrugged his shoulders.
Jody cellphone vibrate in his pocket.
He answered it.
Jody-What Gigi?
Gigi-I'm at your door open up.
Jody-if you don't get your ass away from my door, I swear to God, I'll call the police on you.
Gigi-Your weak ass.
Jody-Your weak pussy. Bye bitch.
Jody hang up his phone.
"You don't know how to talk to a female." Nicole told Jody.
"Okay that's my problem not yours."
"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." Nicole laughed."Oh trust me. I can get a female right now." Jody said to her back.
"Yeah keep on you going to catch something you can't get rid of."
Jody stick his middle finger up at her.
"Oooh no boo, never that. I'll pass on that." Nicole turned away from him again.
Jody walked up on her , her back to his front. Nicole gasped.
"Like I told you last night, never say never." Jody said in Nicole ear.
"Get away from me." Nicole hissed out at him.
"Why you shaking huh? You feel it too don't you?" His fingers touch her skin softly, making her jumped from his touch.
"I don't know what you talking about." Nicole said, breathing heavily.
"Yes you do. I'll play your little game, best believe you won't win in the end, believe that." Jody said went to check his clothes. The sooner he get away from the Nicole the better. She had his dick rock hard. He wanted her in the worst way.
Nicole clothes was done, she put them in her laundry basket and walked out the laundry room, without looking back.
Nicole went back to her place to fold her clothes, she made her a little salad and chicken wings. She needed to eat before she go to work.
Her phone begin to ring.
??-Where the hell you at I been to your condo, but you didn't answer the door.
Nicole- Niecy calm your ass down. I was doing laundry.
Niecy- Well I have some news for you sissy pooh.
Nicole- what?
Niecy- Your going to be an auntie.
Nicole-Omg congrats sissy pie. I will be over later. I have to go to my store and see how business is running.
Niecy- okay see you soon.
Nicole let out a scream of excitement. She's going to be an auntie. Yay...
There was a knock at her door.
She walked to the door and her eyes widen. What the hell he want?
"You okay in there? You in here screaming and shit. I can hear you all the way in my home." Jody said.
"Yes I'm fine. Thanks for being concern." Nicole smiled at him.
"Okay. Cool. Well okay bye."
"Bye..Hey I never got your name." Nicole called out to Jody as he turn to leave.
Jody, Jody Jody..Where have Nicole heard that name from? Ooh yeah he own the sex store right next to her boutique. Why they never run into each other there? Maybe it was for the best. She did own some of his sex toys though. They gave her life.
"Oooh okay. Well bye Jody."
"Bye Cole." Jody turned to walk back in his condo.
Nicole shut her door and lean back on it..
"That man is too damn fine." She said holding her chest.
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