Niecy knocked on Jody door two week later.
Jody opened the door looking a mess. He really wasn't up for company right now. Especially not this person right here. If looks could kill his mother would be planning his funeral right now.
"Can I help you?" Jody asked her, as politely as he can.
"Yes you can help me. Move." Niecy said pushing her away inside Jody condo. Her small baby bump leading the way.
"What do you want Niecy? As you can see I'm not up for seeing anyone." Jody told her folding his arms.
Niecy looked around the condo and frowned up her face. This place looked a mess. How could Jody live like this? Better question how do he have his daughter living in this mess?
"Where is your daughter?" Niecy asked him.
"Not that it's any of your business, but she is with my mother. Your sister was supposed to get her today. I don't know if she got her yet or not." Jody said hanging his head low.
These past few weeks has been hell for him. He can't eat, he can't sleep. He don't even look at women the same no more. If they not Nicole he don't want them.
"I messed up bad Niecy." Jody said a tear fell out his eye.
Jody was never a man to show emotions, for him to cry or even think about having tears in his eyes. He must have really love Nicole. He do love her, he just don't know how to show it. He don't wear his heart on his sleeves. He never had to do it, because he never liked or even love a woman the way he love Nicole.
"You damn right you messed up. You broke my sister heart. Y'all wasn't even together that long and you fucking up. You may have lost a good girl. All because you can't keep your damn dick in your pants." Niecy yelled.
"Help me get her back. I promise I won't mess up again. Believe it or not, but I really do love your sister. I may not know how to show it, but I do. At first it was all about sex, but now I can't see my self without her. She everything to me." Jody said truthfully.
Niecy just looked at Jody. He looked like he was telling the truth.
"I'll see what I can do. She have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm expecting you to be there." Niecy said walking to the front door.
"What time the appointment?" Jody asked.
"10:30 at Lexington ob/Gyn."
"Damn all the way over there?" Jody rubbed his ear.
"Yep. That's your baby mama." Niecy laughed.
"Your sister too." Jody said.
"Ooooh yeah one more thing, if you ever in your life hurt my sister again. I will use baby oil and a belt on your ass, you ever watched This Christmas? Yeah that how I'm going to do you. Try me nigga." Niecy said then walked out.
Jody just stared after her shocked. He was going to get his baby mama back. That all that matter to him.
The next dayNicole sat in the doctor's office to see about her baby. Her sister came with her. She was grateful for her sister. She was helping her get over her heart break. She not going to lie, she do miss Jody. She wish he could be there with her, instead of her sister. Don't give her wrong she happy her sister was there with her, but she want her man.
She forgave him. She understand everyone makes mistakes, but he will have to work hard to gain her trust back. She cried her self to sleep every night, wishing he was there beside her.
Her and Aliyah grow closer. She really did love that little girl. Early this morning, she had to drop Liyah back off to Jody parents.
Just then someone came and sat by her. She really wasn't paying the person any attention.
Then she smelled the person cologne, she looked over and was staring in Jody face. She didn't know rather to smile, laugh, cry, slap him, hug him, or even kissed him. She just stared. What she wanted to know was how he know she was going to be here.
"Hey." He greeted her softly.
"Hi." She greeted him back.
"How you been?" Jody asked her making small talk.
"I been good."
He just nodded his head.
"Nicole Green." The nurse called Nicole to the back. Niecy and Jody stood up with Nicole.
The three of them walked in the back with the nurse.
"Okay I'm going to ask you some questions. First I'm going to ask you have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?"
"Uh yes I have." Nicole said.
"Do you smoke or drink?"
"No I don't."
"Okay, I need you to stand on the scale over there." The nurse said pointing to the weight scale on the wall.
Nicole stood on the scale.
"Your weight is at 130." The nurse said to Nicole.
Nicole eyes widen. Damn she gain five pounds in two weeks.
"Okay follow me, to your room. Your midwife will be in here with you shortly." The nurse said then walked out the room when she placed Nicole in the room.
Jody looked over at Niecy she motion for him to talk to her sister. When Nicole looked over at them Niecy looked up at the ceiling.
"Uhh Nicole I just want you know. I never meant to hurt you. The reason I went out to the club was because I came to realize I loved you and I didn't know what to do about it. It wasn't my intentions to mess with that lady I swear. All I'm asking for is another chance." Jody said looking at Nicole.
"We will talk later." Nicole said as the midwife enter the room.
"Hello. Mom dad and-" She pointed to Niecy.
"Auntie." Niecy said proudly.
"And Auntie. My name is Sam and I'll be your midwife for the reminder of your pregnancy. Since your are now 12 weeks I will be able to check your baby heart beat." Sam the midwife said. Sam bring in the sonogram. She hooked up the machine. She got the lubricant gel to put on the little stick to put on Nicole stomach. "Okay mom lift up your shirt."
Nicole lifted her shirt and the lady placed the gel on her belly also. Moving the stick thingy around on her stomach.
"Do you see your baby? It's a size of a Kidney bean."
"Aww he or she so small." Nicole said smiling at her baby on the screen.
"Yes I will be printing out some pictures to give you. Your ultrasound pics. But that is all for today." Sam said wiping the gel off Nicole. Jody pulled Nicole back up.
"See you in a month." Sam said then walked out.
Niecy, Nicole and Jody made their way out the office.
"Nikki you riding with me or Jody?" Niecy said walking over to her car.
"I'll take her home Niecy. And thanks." Jody said.
"You welcome. Just remember what I said." She said getting into her car and drove off.
This book will be ending soon.
What you think?