Sekai: chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Olivia Parmentier

“Shit, he’s going to get himself hurt,” I said as I began running towards him. “We need to stop him before he gets into an unnecessary fight!”

They all started running as well; we couldn’t keep up with Rhodes just on our feet.

“I’m going ahead,” I said as my wings grew upon my back, “Hurry up and meet me there!”

“Wait Anne! I think it’s a trap!” screamed Madison after me.

“Well then I guess Rhodes fell for it, so we all did.” I made myself go as fast as I could. I was still in pain from the blow to the stomach when I was trapped by the demons, but I persevered. Rhodes was way faster then all of us could have imagined. He was already right outside of the location that the demons were in. I propelled myself forward even faster to catch up to him, but I was spotted by Allen. A thick mist surrounded the area, there was an odd odor coming from it, bitter almost. My lungs began to burn painfully. “Damn it! It’s poison!” I pulled back as far away as I could get from the deadly mist. I couldn’t see a thing so I had to try to fly under it. “I hope Rhodes and Master Ashland are okay.” I was trying to venture my way to the battle sight through the thick haze, when I was punctured by what seemed like tiny needles. They didn’t hurt and I pulled them right out but something about them was strange. I heard a laugh coming from my right side, it sounded like Allen’s voice. “Show yourself!”

“Are you scared, you have no way of finding me, and soon you won’t even be able to move.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I can move just fine…” an eerie sensation began to consume my body. I tingled all over and my wings stopped working. I fell to the ground swiftly as my vision blurred. I tried to move my lips to say something but no sound would come out.

“Those needles send a deadly paralyzing poison into you. The best part is you stay conscious and feel all of the pain but can’t move. The devil himself designed it,” laughed Allen with a sick grin on his face. “Don’t worry though; you’ll have a while before you die.”

He left me sitting there on the ground to join the other demons. The fog died down so that I could see everything clearly. Madison and Lakota sat at the edge of the forest staring at me. Their faces were wrenched in horror, fearing that they couldn’t do anything to help me. Soon they struggled to come to my side.

“She’s so pale…” said Lakota as she stared at my vacant facial expression. I moved my eyes to look the other way. Rhodes was standing in front of Master Ashland trying his hardest to protect him from further harm. I looked over at Lakota as if saying, “Go help him”. She understood and went running to his side. Her dragon wings spread wide and her eyes began to glow. She had melted the ice holding Master Ashland to the tree, he was lying on the ground with a frightened look on his face, he must have been terrified.

“Hold still Anne, I’m going to try something. It will probably be very painful but if I don’t, you may not live.” She held her hand over my face; water began going into the small puncture wounds from the needles. The water got into my blood stream; I could feel it coursing through my vanes, straining them from the extra liquid. There was agonizing pain as even more water began to go into my body. “I’m sorry about this.” There was a pain in the arm I had hurt before as Madison pulled all of her water mixed with poison from the open wound. It tore open my still healing skin as it all gushed out. I still couldn’t move but I somehow let out a scream. I was in agonizing pain as she even started to pull out some of my blood. It seemed like an eternity until she stopped. I sat there a few minutes longer as I got the feeling back in my body.

“Let’s go help them,” I said driving myself to get up.

“Maybe you should sit this one out,” Madison said trying to keep me down.

“I’m tired of sitting around! I’m tired of having to sit out of training because I got hurt or running away from a fight because I can’t handle it! It’s time for us all to get a grip and focus on defeating them!” I breathed heavily as I stumbled due to the loss of blood. I slowly staggered over to them still carrying my wings on my back. “Kaze no ken,” I said still gasping for breath. I pushed myself forward into a sluggish run at Jordan. He was too preoccupied with fighting Lakota that he didn’t notice me coming at him. Before I could lop his arm off Allen got in the way and blocked my sword. I fell backwards from just a tap from him and landed in the grass. He drew out a small knife and a vile of poison. I knew it would be the end if he got me, but I was so tired. Just as he was about to go through with it, Madison’s arrow of water hit him in the chest. He flew backwards into a tree.

“Let’s go guys, there’s no use in ending the fun now is there?” mocked Demetry with a sinister smile on his face. The demons started to walk the opposite direction of the woods leaving behind two half dead people, a very worn out fire guardian, and Madison. Rhodes had transformed back into his human form; blood was coming from a huge gash on his forehead. It seemed he passed out in his own puddle of crimson blood. Master Ashland jumped to his feet and rushed over to Rhodes.

“How could I have let this happen to him?” he said with sorrow filled eyes. The sky grew dark and it began to rain. We stood still for a few hours; I was watching as the rain washed all of the blood from his wound away. No one said a word; we all just wanted to watch Master Ashland’s face as he gently brushed away Rhodes’ hair. “I can take him back if you want, but I’m not entirely sure we can all walk,” he said while glancing over at me.

“I’ll be fine…”

Madison walked over and pulled me up from the ground. “I’ll help you walk so we can get there faster. We need to treat both of your wounds.”


Hey guys :}, If you like this story you may like Zodiac by 053omparmentier14 it's really good. And thank you for all of the reads <3

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