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Sometimes I feel so lost

so out of place.

Sometimes I feel hallow

like I'm stuck in the in-between.

Between the idea and the reality,

Between the motion and the act,

Between the emotion

and the response.

Sometimes I feel so alone.

I try to reach out, to yell,

to scream,

but my voice fades with the wind,

more distant and more solemn than a

fading star.

Sometimes I feel hopeless

like I can't do anything right.

Sometimes I feel so broken.

A beautiful vase, once shiny

and colorful

that has been dropped

one toomany times.

All goodness and joy that once was in me

has leaked out

through the cracks and holes.

Like a seeping wound

that never seems to heal.

Sometimes I feel like a ghost,

invisible, like I not really there.

Sometimes I feel like a shadow,

a shape without form,

a shade without color

like I'm paralyzed,

having gesture without motion.

Sometimes I feel useless,

obsolete, faded,

like yesterdays news.

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