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"I hope you learned your lesson, Ash. Next time you will obey me and there won't be a problem between us." Brunski spoke with a sickly sweet smile on his face, making Ash cringe at his words.

The minute Brunski untied him from the uncomfortable leather that was tied around his wrists, he yanked his arms away from it as humanly as possible. Instinctly he crawled over to the wall and had his back against it, the coldness of it forced a sighed out of him. He started rubbing his wrists absentmindedly, it was always at its worst when Brunski had to tie him down on his bad. The cruelty of this man was a known fact for anyone in the facility, Ash was pretty sure that he enjoyed seeing people in pain. His red wrists were a good example of what the man was capable of.

Ash kept his lips pressed in to thin line as he waited for Brunski to left the room. The man was openly enjoying the discomfort of the young boy as he stared at him in a mocking state, snickering at the fear he saw in Ash's eyes. At moments like that he screwed his eyes shot and tried to think about the people he wrote about on daily basis. It was pathetic, comical even, to gain courage by thinking 'what would Scott Mccall do in this situation?'.

Even as someone who had lost his connection to a functioning society, he could tell he was being lame.

On another note, he was still scared of Brunski and all the other little details about Eichen House that kept him aweke at night. That didn't mean he hadn't gotten used to all the torment of it by now. It was almost funny how he adjusted so effortlessly. Before Malia, the punishments were a part of his routine. Simply, Ash was terrible at lying and he got caught with a pen and paper every freaking time. And every time that happened, his night resulted with him screaming at the top of lungs not to be tied down or not to swallow that pill.

After Malia however, things had been easier. It was a shame, really, how a girl who had spent most of her life as a coyote was better at lying and interacting with other humans.

And now, it had been just a total of three days without talking to Malia and Ash was unbelievably close to caving and forgiving the girl already. In his mind and heart, he had already did, Ash was not a person to hold gratitude. For example, he had forgave his parents for sending him here, deep down he knew they only wanted to see him okay and normal. Ash knew he was neither one of them, it must have made his parents very sad.

Being forgiving didn't equal to the fact that he wanted Malia to see her own mistake by herself. Stiles would be here soon, he could feel it, he knew it.

With that thought in mind, his day seemed brighter. Kicking the mattress away, he flung his legs down the bed and yawned with a small smile on his face, a sleepless night was long forgotten. Quickly putting an oversized sweater, Ash left his room while feeling refreshed.

Since he already wrote about Stiles checking in to the Eichen House, it shouldn't have to take long before Ash wrote the part where Malia will meet with him as well.

With this thoughts lingering inside his mind, he made his way towards the sweet girl that he talks occasionally. No offence to the Jesus' but their small talks were usually a bit dry after some point. But Ash found Meredith particularly interesting and always hoped to be writing about her someday, which seemed pretty unlikely because she was stuck in there as well.

"Good morning Meredith!" Ash exclaimed and sat next to the curly haired girl.

It wasn't such a surprised when she was irked with his presence, he made a mental note about not being too loud and cheery while approaching her - but he knew it very well that he tends to fail at that. Thankfully, a small smile appeared on her face as the recognition downed on her, she slightly tilted her head and looked him in the eye with her honey colored ones. She seemed rather content having him there.

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