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If you are an old reader, most of this is new, beware!


  When you start noticing the little things about someone, there is no turning back from that very moment. Not just in a romantic way, it is more deeper than that, as if that person now owns a key to your heart and soul; you can be in your ugliest both in and out, it will not matter.

Ash had to remind himself that it was dangerous to hold someone that close to your heart, because when they left they also took a piece of you that you could never replace, he would know. He was the one to live with a hole inside his heart after all. Although he didn't have much of a choice with Malia when the two became friends because Eichen House was draining his will to live, he had needed someone to lean on. However he did have a choice with him.

Or deep down Ash was aware of the fact that he was a goner from the start.

After writing about the boy that was currently walking right beside him, Ash knew every little detail about him. Like the way he showed his hands in to his pockets when he was nervous because he didn't want people to see that he bit his finger nails or they were shaky. Like the way he tilted his head and stared in to someone's eyes while his lips curled in to a small smile because he was proud of that person.

Ash already knew those little signs, the way Stiles ' body responded to his emotions, the way he used his hands to state his opinion, all those facial expressions that he used a lot. Perhaps, with his survival instincts, he had been using that leverage to gain Stiles' trust as he told his story. It came to him naturally and he just knew how to phrase his sentences to make Stiles believe in him.

The odds seemed to be in his favor since Stiles didn't seem nervous, at least Ash could tell that he was not irked by Ash's presence which was something. That gave him strength and confidence but he was still scared to blur out everything in one go since it would probably scare Stiles away. He was trying to keep it at 'sometimes I get visions about you and your friends, no big deal,' at least for now.

Stiles was staring at him without even trying to hide it and yeah. He was most definitely on to something but the two were in a silent agreement for that time being.

Therefore as they walked in unison, they all kept their lips sealed even though Ash was dying to ask him more, tell him more because when he was writing the one thing he that wasn't crystal clear was his voice. Despite his eagerness to do so, he backed out every single time he caught Stiles' curious stare on himself.

When they reached to common room, Ash was one edge because they had spent too much time away from the crowd and one could've questioned their joined absence. Thankfully, probably due to the fact that Ms. Morell was cowering for them, no one asked about their whereabouts. They only got curious glances since grouping was not a common occurrence at Eichen, Ash could handle some looks.

"Tell me the plan," Malia demanded as soon as they set down, impatiently tapping her feet on the ground. Ash sighed, it was typical Malia, straight down to business.

"I thought you were going to come up with plans," Stiles muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck as he grimaced a little while looking at the werecoyete.

In return Malia raised a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh I didn't ask you. Ash, what is the plan?" Stiles narrowed his eyes at the girl but kept his frustration to himself probably because he needed her by his side. This duo was rather amusing and Ash couldn't help but grin as he sat back in his chair.

"What makes you think I have a plan?" He asked and looked down a little making Malia groan with frustration.

"Cut the act. You always have something in mind. Spill."

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