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Someone was calling his name softly and Ash opened his eyes very slowly, a yawn escaping his lips.

"Sorry it's been just thirty minutes, give or take, but we gotta go," Stiles said with a small smile on his face, the dark circles under his eyes were clouding that smile. He looked tried as hell and that made Ash frown a little, he struggled to conceal it as he looked at the opposite way.

"Its fine, I wanted to try something before we went anyway." Ash returned his attention back on the Stilinski boy, as much as he wanted to stay exactly the way they were - legs tangled and bodies pressed against each other- he knew they had to leave this place. They had to face the reality.

He made a move to get up but since he was stuck between Stiles and the back of the couch, it wasn't an easy task. Stiles laughed a little at his attempts and got up with a swift move, helping Ash up as well.

This time Stiles followed Ash's leads as he had to the 'self' mark on the wall, kneeling besides it. Tapping on it a few times, he listened intently and a wide smile appeared on his face when he found what he was looking for. "You hear it?"

Stiles shook his head as a yes while Ash continued smiling proudly. Scanning the room with his eyes, Stiles found an object suitable to smash the wall, Ash took a few step back as Stiles started to hit the wall. Thankfully it didn't take so long to do so and the duo got closer to take a better look.

"Is it...?" Ash furrowed his brows at the sight of a body that used to be alive a long time ago.

"The Nogitsune." Blood drained out from Stiles' face, he didn't attempt to the anything to reach the items that was standing next to the body.

Which was an understandable reaction considering what Stiles had been through. Even for an outsider like Ash, the scene was disturbing, it was odd how it didn't smell like rotten flesh. Nevertheless Ash wasn't eager to get his hands anywhere near that thing either, but he did it anyway, he wouldn't force Stiles getting close to it.

Fighting his urge to yanking his hand back, Ash grabbed a photo that was placed inside the body's pocket and the edge of the old looking photo was sticking out so he pulled it out with a swift movement, studying it closely. "She looks a lot like Kira. At least what I imagine her in my head."

Ash looked at Stiles for approval, he seemed to be thinking the same thing. "I have to get this to Scott."

Ash nodded and got up with a swift move, as he was trying to get rid of the dust on his hands as his eyes landed on a pair of shoes. Raising his chin, his lips parted in shock to see Oliver off all people.

A gasp escaped his mouth when Oliver used the stun gun on Stiles, Ash watched it in horror while Stiles let out a pained groan and his body shook with electricity running through in his system. "You took Brunski's keys. I took his stun gun," With that Ash collapsed on the ground as well, his vision blurred for a while, black dots took over his sight, pain running inside his veins.

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