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"Tell me," Ash Mallory cocked his head to the side, his voice uncharacteristically serious and steady. "Why am I even friends with you?"

"Because old friend... Even though I am mocking you and will taunt you till the end of time, I am still here, aren't I?"

Ash glared at his lifelong best friend and Clark wiggled his eyebrows before he fixed his eyes on the road again. Ash chuckled with a roll of his eyes.

Logically Clark had a point. Ash did not think for a second that anyone else in his friend's situation would believe him. Even Ash did not believe himself, not exactly. At the end, he did sound borderline insane, claiming that one of the short stories he had written was bound to come to life today. He was determined to interfere, he was also too scared to it alone, on the other hand it was scarier to think that his little theory was real.

That meant werewolves and all the unthinkable myths were real, all the other horrific or magical stories he had written in the pass might have been real as well. Ash almost preferred being insane.

The silence took over the duo, the lack words leaving room to interpretation and even though Clark and Ash provided easiness to each other the way only closest people could do, it did not help Ash's growing anxiety, excitement and terror. "His name was 'Stiles' for Christ's sake!" Ash exclaimed and it sounded out of the blue since he had been having an internal monologue to burst out like that.

"What kind of a name is that anyway?"

Clark said mockingly and fixed his glasses as a sign of nervousness, telling Ash that even though he was acting out as this whole situation was a game to him, his best friend was worried too. "Exactly. While I was writing, I told to myself 'how did I come up with such a weird name?' Scott and Stiles, they fit perfectly but I am sure that I have never heard a name like that before," Ash began ranting again and Clark chewed on his bottom lip while listening to his friend's reasoning all over again. "When I saw the boy on the groceries store, I felt like seeing an old friend after a while. So... familiar. Every edge of his face, the way he moved his hands while talking, his short hair, baggy clothes... I realized I knew him because I had written about him. It was an odd thought to have and I tried to shake it off."

It was almost too easy to get lost in the recent memory. In Ash's mind the moment was vivid in his mind to the point he felt like he was being pulled into moment again, the way his burrows furrowed when he caught Ash's gaze, the way he awkwardly waved, the way he smiled hesitantly when Ash did. It can happen to any writer, Ash thought. If you like the character you are writing so much you might begin to see them in other people and maybe you took inspiration from real life people. Ash really was going to let it go, wouldn't be thinking about it, maybe he would smile about the incident later on or cringe because he had come off as a creep to a stranger.

"Then his father called him Stiles. What are the odds? Is there even more than one Stiles living in this world? How did I know his father was a sheriff without his badge? Why do I know his best friend's name is Scott and he had been obsessed with Lydia Martin for years? I stalked his Facebook they are real as well... I suck at math but I know that the odds are in my favor-"

"Ash..." Clark let out a sigh. He continued when he was sure that Ash was calmer. "I can't say I believe you. You know I don't believe anything until I see it. However I trust you alright, I know you are not crazy and this will most likely end up being a big coincidence and we will laugh about it tomorrow. For now, it's just another adventure in our new town."

If it was anyone else, Ash might have been offended because most likely he was right, and werewolves existed, Scott McCall; the asthmatic loner was about to be Scott McCall; the teenage hero.

The roar of the engine filled his ears and the silence didn't bother Ash this time, feeling content with the reassurance Clark gave. "Your lifelong dream to live up to your name might come true today, Clark. After all, if this is real and we succeed, we will save his life."

Clark smiled at the dreamy tone Ash had used. It always had been like that between the two; Ash saw the goodness in people, found the interesting part in any situation, always hoped for the best and expected the better where Clark usually tried to dawn the reality on the imaginative boy. That night was one of the many times he had agreed to do something extraordinary because Ash had asked. He knew it wouldn't be the last time either, he would always cave to Ash Mallory's bright smile and pleading baby blue eyes.

Unless, it was the last time. Indeed they would be saving Stiles Stilinski's life and in return, Clark Archer would be buried six feet under at the age of sixteen.

Ash did not know any of this, he was about to find out.



A U T H O R 'S N O T E

so yay! here is a brand new chaper with clark in it. (this was a scene i had in my mind all along but i was never gonna write it the previous time)

anyways, i will be cheating in the future and would use old scenes but you might see completely new chapters like this as well. and the updates would be extremely slow, but i'll try!

dedicated to; dumblewhores, she is awesome and she is a cutie. ilu girl. (woah its been awhile but hi)

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