| FOUR |

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warning; the start of the chapter, someone has a nightmare and they deal with it afterwards, might be close to a panic attack so be careful if you are uncomfortable with it. enjoy!


He was dreaming about summer, camp fires, cute boys and hot weather. He was dreaming about his father and his smile, he was dreaming about Clark and his voice. His mind was wondering through the depths of his memories and tonight his mind was gentle enough to let him relive those times when he used to feel free.

Waking up from that bliss left a bitter taste on his tongue, left his heart clenched and aching with the memories.

In matter of seconds those memories were out of his mind along with the memory of his best friend and all of his thoughts were replaced with worry as he realized the reason he was awake this early was due to Stiles. Stiles had cold sweat on his forehead and a pained expression on his features and it was almost still dark and Ash was having a hard time processing it all.

Even in his confused state of mind he rolled away from the boy and kneeled beside the bed to give Stiles space and gave a little squeeze to his arm.

"Stiles. It's all a dream, wake up," Ash said gentle as possible and his voice sounded rough due to the lack of sleep and tiredness.

Stiles woke up with a shutter and sat on the bed with hysteric motions; he was clutching his chest with one hand and was pulling his hair with the other. "It almost took over and I- I keep seeing all the people I hurt and I," Stiles started speaking high pitched and his breathing was getting heavier.

Ash was internally panicking about the situation but his mind was quickly switching into survival mode, he had to be strong for Stiles so that he could hold on to him. "Remind yourself that it was all just a dream. Try to take deep breathing, okay? If you want, you can squeeze my hand."

Stiles shook his head as a no and Ash kept his hands on the mattress but didn't try to reach him. "Alright- okay. Touch your nose for a second."

Stiles had a doubtful look in his eyes that wear tearing up a little but he did it anyway. "Great. How many ears do I have? Hold your fingers up," Ash spoke with softness and Stiles obeyed quicker this time. Ash tried to hold back a smile because it seemed to be working. "Name three blue items in the room."

"Your... shirt. And eyes," Stiles uttered the words, and he was still struggling but he wasn't losing control and the panic wasn't taking a hold of him.

"And? The third?"

"Ugh... You- you have two eyes."

Ash chuckled and Stiles would've laughed along in any other situation. For now he settled for placing his hand on Ash's to show he was doing better. "Always a smartass. Okay, close your eyes and count to four. Perfect. Now, hold your breath for five seconds and let it out in six. You're doing amazing."

Ash kept on talking about how it was a dream and how they were okay, the fear and agony in Stiles was still there but it wasn't taking a hold of Stiles' mind anymore. "The last thing. Give me seven names that you would call in an emergency."

"Well, my dad, obviously. Then Scott. Of course Lydia. Derek if I need someone scary, or Allison," Stiles breathing was almost back to normal as he was thinking through names and Ash held his hand tighter, interlocking their fingers. "Oh, fuck. Yes I would call Isaac, I guess. And you," Ash blinked a few times and he was surprised a bit so was Stiles, judging by his wide eyes. "And Kira, guess it makes eight."

Ash smiled brightly, kneeling beside the bed. Unlocking their hands, Stiles looked a lot smaller and younger than his usual self, Ash could almost imagine his flushed face in the dark. He was embarrassed, for some reason unknown to Ash. "My panic attacks had been increasing since..."

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