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It was all white noise and flashy images. The adrenaline pumping through his veins was the only thing that was keeping Ash from fainting. (That, and his endless devotion to Stiles. Plus Malia probably could've carried him bridal style if he was happen to faint and that was a relief.)

His mind was almost trying to give him a hard time by wandering inside the depths of it, bringing images from his past when he used to do running. When he used to be free from this place. When he used to run as free as a wild animal, when he attended competitions and he would know his parents and Clark and Clark's parents would be cheering for him. When Clark was still alive-

"Stiles, wake up!" Ash rushed towards the boy that was lying unconscious on the floor with a pained expression on his face. It was such a relief to see Stiles alive and hopefully, he was still Stiles. (It was such a relief that he was free from the torture of his past as well He welcomed the distraction.)

His knees almost gave out with the sudden joy he was feeling and he practically threw himself right next to Stiles, while Malia was watching over for any guards or nurses. Grabbing him by his shirt, Ash started to shake Stiles not very gently, repeating his name over and over again to bring him back.

The joy from reaching Stiles was about to vanish by each second passing, worry was starting to get ahold of him again. Ash was so high on adrenaline that he was taken aback by the way Stiles jolted upwards. The sudden motion left Ash with a thumping heart while Stiles starting gasping desperately to suck air in to his lungs. Stiles' long fingers tugged on Ash shirt as if he had to hold on to something. Ash understood the feeling and held him with both hands by the shoulders and tried to ground Stiles with his presence. And for a brief moment Stiles was star struck, staring in to his eyes, he seemed relieved to see Ash out of all people.

"How did you get in here?" Stiles spoke, he was still panting for air, Ash was able to feel how fast his heart was beating as he moved one of his hands to Stiles' chest without thinking about it, holding him close.

Oddly, Stiles hadn't let him go either. Ash was too numb to feel nervous or excited about it after coming down from the stress of it all. Seeing Stiles as himself and relatively well (he still had black rings under his eyes, he was still thinner than he used to be, his eyes still looked sad.) Ash wanted to stay close like that for a minute. To catch his breath. To ease him mind.

"I broke the lock," said Malia. Ash blinked a few times and threw a glance over his shoulder and saw Malia with a proud smile on her face as she stood by the door step. "Let's go."

"There's another way to the basement," Ash crumbled away from Stiles as swiftly as possible and stood up by taking strength from his arms. Sticking his hand to help Stiles up to his feet, he continued to explain. "Through the Closed Unit. Where they keep very, very scary people."

Clearly Stiles was shaken up by the dream he had, blood was drained out of his face and cold sweats were visible on his forehead. The traumatized look was not helping how exhausted he already was either. Although he managed to nod in agreement and followed Ash and Malia through the corridors.

Malia kept them company for a few minutes, until she was sure they would reach to the basement without obstacles. "I should head back. They'll keep an eye on me after Oliver and all. I'll try to cover up for you," Malia stated methodically. Ash was proud of her and how she was handling this impossible situation this calm and focused. "Take care of each other."

Stiles hummed in agreement while Ash smiled brightly before giving a quick hug to the werecoyote. "Only because I promised a hug each day. Don't get used to it-"

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