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His head hurt, every muscle in his body and his heart ached. Despite all of that, he was gaining his consciousness back, so he forced his eyes to flicker open only to come across with bright blue ones staring down at him with concern in them. "I fainted, didn't I?" Stiles managed to get out a few words and watched as his friends sigh in relief. "We are all alive." He stated the first idea popped in his head, immediately realizing his mistake as he watched the grief washing over his best friend's face.

"Yeah, we are okay."

Stiles Stilinski had never questioned his best friend's words before that moment. Scott didn't lie to him and even when he tried to lie he would turn into a stuttering mess and come clean to him. However at that moment, he had this smile that just looked sad and he had a reassuring expression on his face. Stiles couldn't bring himself to believe in him.

Surely, nothing felt okay when Ash was not even looking him in the eye, when Lydia was crying over her best friend and her former crush, when Isaac looked like the kid Stiles used to see back in freshman year (so small and in pain). He didn't feel okay either, not really.

That day (which was supposed to be their victory) they stood together, everyone grieving in their own way, being together but feeling lonely. Ash was not even looking at him and Stiles couldn't look at Scott; it felt like a spiral that was endless.

Perhaps, that was the reason why Stiles was standing at the door step of Chris Argent, just to talk to Isaac Lahey. 'Cause he did not feel strong enough to face Scott or Lydia but also he just needed some type of closure.

Stiles didn't blame the Argent's for being surprised by his presence nor he took offense at his lack of small talk. The man just let him in, gestured a room down the hall and left him be. Well, once he was this close to a one on one with Isaac, Stiles wanted to bale. Then he thought about a sweet smile and remarkable dimples, that encouraged him to push forward.

"I doubted my senses for a moment there," Isaac said the second he stepped inside her room, finding the curly headed boy sitting at the edge of the bed with a picture album in hand. "What are you doing here, Stiles?"

"Why, is it weird that I wanted to check on my buddy?" Isaac glared at him and Stiles scoffed. Right. No sarcasm when you have to be mourning. "I just wanted to check on my best bud's buddy, then. Can I come in?"

Isaac's glare turned into an impassive stare, as if he was just realizing that Stiles was still dangling by the door step. He made a head gesture to invite him in. Stiles kept his silence for a while, as he took in the boxes all around the house and the room in general. Uncharacteristically, he kept his thoughts to himself for a moment or two. It was unbearable but he wasn't able to find the will to speak in himself.

"For real, Stiles. Is everything alright?"

Isaac closed to photo album and placed it next to himself while Stiles sighed. "I heard that you're moving away? Scott will never ask you to stay 'cause he thinks it might be good for you but he does need you 'round. I don't know why I'm here either. I don't want to face Lydia or Scott and I know we never had a heart to heart before but don't you think we lost enough and you-"

"Don't do this," Isaac interfered without looking at Stiles. "I'm aware. Blame me all you want but I can't stay. I... I even thought about bailing on the ceremony. Did Ash send you? I thought he wouldn't-"

"Ash? Why would he send me?"

"He was here a few hours ago. He saw a future where I would ran away without saying goodbye and he came to talk me out of it. And it worked, if you're here because of that. I won't leave without talking to Scott, okay?"

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