A Day With The Other One (Last Part)

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Edo-Gray's POV

All of us looked defeated as we walked out of Juvia-chan's house and she's not there.. We were able to get in because of the spare keys that she gave me yesterday for when I clean her kitchen.

"What now?" Fairy-hunter asked

Oji-sama sighed and said "This is harder than I anticipated."

"Ofcourse it is, dear prince. i mean.. Your kingliness.. This time, you're not out of the palace just to discover the world. Unless you'll be doing what you did last time and again leave behind another girl who's counting on you?" She spoke with words that even Juvi-chan and I knows that is something personal.

The both of them exchange glances that looked as if they're going to start a huge brawl, but instead jellal-oji turned to us and said that he's just going to catch some fresh air.
Juvi-chan looked at me and gestured that I should follow jellal-oji and check up on him. I looked back and saw that fairy-hunter's earlier fierce expression was replaced by hurt in her eyes.

Will we ever know what was all that about? I'm not sure, but I promised Juvi-chan that I'll help her to the extent of my abilities... Even if it involves a little drama.

He sat behind a large rock as I sit beside him and gathered all my courage to ask the king what happened back there, but before I even form the right sentence to ask he spoke...

"We used to be so close, you know?" He stated while staring at the now dimming lights from the sky.

"She was my only friend, the one who shares the same enthusiasm to discover the world with me. We always talked about how we would see the world together once we got the chance." He smiled to himself as if remembering some blissful memory. I decided to just listen as he continue.

"It was never my intention to leave her... It's just that, there was the day when I finally snapped and run away from the palace, away from those princely stuff they wanted me to learn, away from my father who's expecting me to be the perfect heir he always wanted, away from all the restrictions and rules. I just wanted freedom, but I've always wanted to have it with her... I promised myself that I'd come back for her, but I guess the moment I stepped out of that castle it was already too late. She already hated me." Pain and guilt was evident on jellal-oji's face as he told me all of these. This time I'm really out of words to say... Should I blame him? Comfort him? Or tell him advice? Hoo! This is harder that I thought... In the end I decided to play it safe and ask him a question instead.

"So, do you still feel the same about her?"

He immediately looked at my direction and answered "Yes, my feelings for her haven't change one bit." After a few seconds, his determined looked change into panic as color started to creep upon his cheeks...

"I um, don't mean it in u-uh... In uh, in a r-romantic way.. She's j-just a... uh special friend.. That's all..." He stuttered in almost every word as his cheeks becomes redder. It made me want to laugh at how obvious he was but I decided not to.. He's still the king afterall. >~<

"Eto... Jellal-oji? Are you sure she really hates you? Cause it seems to me that she's just hurt that you left her, and judging by your story.. I think you're also too special for her to hate. Maybe all she wanted to hear is an apology and a little explanation." That's it, that's the best I can give! >o<

"But what if she does not accept my apology? I'd look like a fool." He said as he turned his gaze away

"Well, is it worth more than losing her for good?" I asked

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