Chapter 7 - New York bloody New York

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Chapter 7

Jordans POV

"New York, New Yooork." Summer sang out of key while running through the crouded streets. We walked behind her while laughing. This was our get away. I decided to join in with Summer and we sang together:

"What would you do if I sang of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing out of key. 

Oh I get by with a little help from my friends 

Mm I get high with a little help from my friends 

Mm I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends." We got to a park and kept on singing. People obviously looked at us like we were maniacs, because we were. I mean hey, we were free.

"Walk walk fashion baby work it I'm a free bitch baby!" I screamed out. The guys were laughing their asses of while watching us.

"Come on guys, we know you want to join in!" Summer screamed at them. After a while they did and we were all ran around singing and laughing. I then saw a fountain and ran towards it. I jumped on the edge and sang:

I'm on the edge of glory!" And so on but then I slipped and fell in. When I got up again they were all laughing at me and I joined in. Jonas were standing closest so I pulled him in with me. I laughed at his surprised face but then he pulled me in again and so we started a water fight.  

I then felt to arms around my waist and when I turned around I saw Jonas standing there. We got closer until our lips met and we kissed.

Unknown's POV

They all think that they can escape me. They think that we can't track them, but we can. We've done it all the time. There are tracking devices inside them. It makes it impossible for them to escape. Right now, for example, they are in New York. We're on our way and we'll be there soon so they will be back by the academy today.

Jordan's POV

We were in an apartment. We had just got it and we were deciding who had fo stay in the apartment while the rest went shopping. We we're all disageeing, so therefor I said: 

"I can do it." Everyone turned to me because I hadn't said anything before. 

"Are you sure?" Jonas asked, caring.  

"Come on, I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl."  

"Okay, if you're sure then, let's go." Jonas said and then the others started to leave. When they had all left I started to look around the apartment. It was really fancy. It had bedrooms to all of us and they were BIG. It was amazing. I started to blast music and dance around the apartment. I suddenly heard a knock on the door so I went to open it. It was probably Jonas and the guys. They've must forgot something. I walked up to the door and opened it. To my surprise I didn't see Jonas, instead I saw a big muscleman standing there.

"Do you need something?", I asked him. He didn't answer me. Instead he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled. As on instinct I kneed him between his legs and his grip loosend. I slamed the door shut and locked it. I ran to the big living area and hid in the space between the window and the couch so that no one could see me. I breathed hard and my heart was beating like crazy. Then I heard a big crash and I could see the door shattering against the wall from where I was hiding. 

"I know you're here, I can smell it", I heard someone say. It was a familiar voice, the principal. I knew that he was right and made a quick decision. I got up froom my hiding spot and faced the principal who was standing with the man from earlier.

"So, you're giving up?", he asked with an evil smirk, thinking that he won. 

"Wouldn't dream of it", I said and pushed opened the window. I got up on the window sill.

"You wouldn't!", I heard him say from behind me. I looked down and said

"Watch me!", I jumed and I could feel the air around me. The ground didn't hurt that much when I landed. I had just enough time to realise that I had landed in a pair of arms when I felt a needle go inside my arm and I blacked out.

They call it the city of dreams for a reason. But I think they got a bit confused. It's a nightmare. You see the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen, happened. I got caught. The worst part is that I'm alone. It's not like I regret saving the others but the worst part is coming, the torture. Now comes the part when they will try to get me to talk. Because I wont talk, they will keep torturing me. The only way to get out of this is death. I was seriously considering suecide just to get out of it. But wait! I don't know where the guys are. They wouldn't stay at the same place that I got caught at. I had no idea what so ever where they were.

My thinking got interupted by a heavy door opening.

"Well hello there Miss Runaway", said the principal. Of course he would be here.

"Well hello there overly attached old man", I responded groggily. If looks could kill I would be six feet under.

"I don't think you can afford having that big mouth of yours right now", he said and kicked me in the stomach so that I went flying into the wall. I slowly got up with an insane laugh. 

"Do you want to know why I'm not afraid? Well, you see I've been beaten and bruised many times. I've been tortured while being chained to the wall and you know what? The time when you lose count of how many times that has happened is the time the fear stops", I said. I wasn't being completly honest but I was trying to by myself more time. I wanted to get some of my energy back. 

"So you see that kick you gave me didn't hurt. One. Bit", I said and lunged at him with full force which was pretty strong. We both went flying into the wall and before you could say Batman I was running out of the room. I had no idea where I was going but all I was focusing on was getting away. I inhaled  through my nose and followed the smell of outdoors. After many turns I came to the front door. While I ran I prayed for the door to be open. I was lucky because it was open and I swung it open and ran with all my might. The sun burnt my eyes a bit but I tried not to care about it. I saw the forest and ran inside it. When I felt like my legs couldn't hold me any longer I climbed up a tree and rested. Before I knew what was happening, I was sleeping.

Principal's POV

"Did it work?", I asked Carl. We were sitting in my office.

"Yes the tracker is activated and soon we will have the girl and her friends back in here", he answered while showing me a red prick on the map on the computer screen.

"Is that her?", I asked him.

"Yes, she's in the forest. Now we'll just have to wait until she and her friends find each other", he told me. I laughed darkly. 


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