Chapter 9 - Phoenix's Revenge

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Chapter 9 - Phoenix's Revenge

Phoenix's POV

We were all finally back together and it was time. With all the running going on I had no time to  think about what needed to be done, prank Mason. We had stopped in some random town for the night and everyone was asleep, not me. I was sharing a room with Mason which I had to bribe Summer to change with me. I had to come up with a really amazing idea for my prank. Masons prank had been cruel so I knew that mine at least had to be just as good. I sat up in one of the chairs thinking. The only things I could come up with were either going to hurt Mason badly or kill him. I was holding a knife in my hand, twirling it while I thought. Then it hit me. I looked down at the knife and smiled. The game was on.

*Later at night*

Mason bolted up in bed at the screech. He looked blindly around him and tried to reach for the light switch. When he found it he tried to switch it on but what he did not know was that I had cut the wires so it was impossible to turn the light on in the room. I was saftley sitting in the bathroom, peeking out from a small crack between the door and wall. 

"Hello?", Mason called out. I kept quite with a smirk waiting for him to find my surprise. Suddenly the screech sounded again and then it sounded from another part of the room. Mason got up from bed.

"Phoenix, I will literally kill you if this is another prank." I knew that he soon would find what I had put out for him. The I heard a loud crash. I could barely see Mason falling to the ground and then you could hear wings flapping around. I saw the room fill with flying creatures and I heard Mason scream loudly. I felt success fill me and I smiled proudly to myself. Unknown fact, Mason was petrified of birds. Especially crows which were at the moment flying around the whole room. I could hear him scream and I saw Mason getting up while throwing his arms around him. He tried get rid of the birds but he got nowhere with it. 

"Phoenix! Phoenix, where the hell are you? I am going to kill you!" I walked out of the bathroom with my flashlight and switched it on. A smaller light filled the room and it made Mason turn around to find the source. When he found me he wasted no time and came at me at full speed. I saw it coming and ran out of the room. Mason was chasing me at full speed and we were both running through the halls of the hotel. I were just about to turn a corner when Mason knocked me down from behind. He tackled me to the ground and I hit my chin against the dirty floor. 

"Ouch", I said through a laugh. He pushed me down and then got really close the me.

"If you ever do anything like that again I will make you wish that you never met me", he roughly whispered in my ear before letting go of me. I started laughing and I turned around to see him walking away from me. Prank successful. 

Jordan's POV

The sun had risen just a few hours ago. Jonas had left the room to go and try to find a car. Everyone was of doing something and I was left alone to figure out what we should do. We had to do something before The Principal found us again. We had to come up with a plan but I kept getting distracted by that damn feeling. It was telling me that something was wrong, that something was terribly bad. I had no idea how to get rid of the feeling. It was like a thought forcing its way inside me and taking over. Every time I tried to push it away it came back stronger. It was making me tired and a bit angry. I sighed and put my head in my hands. 

"Jordan?", Jonas said as he walked into the room. I turned my head slightly to look at him. 

"Hi", I murmured but looked away from him again.

"What is it?" The feeling was getting stronger inside me.

"Nothing", I said simply. He sat down beside me and put his arm around me. He leaned closer and tried to kiss me. I shrugged of his arm and moved away a bit.

"Not now", I said irritated. Jonas was annoying me and I had no idea why. He looked at me weirdly. 

"Something's up", he said and tried to move closer to me. I got of the bed.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just really not in the mood right now, okay?", I told him while pulling a hand through my hair. 

"No, it's not okay. Something's up and I want to know what it is", he said and also got up. We were standing opposite each other staring. He looked at me angrily with outstretched arms.

"Everything is fine just please stop asking! I'm just not in the mood, can't you just leave me alone". I was getting such a headache because of the damn feeling and Jonas was getting on my nerves. 

"No! I'm not going to leave you alone! What the heck is wrong with you?", he asked. I just sighed angrily and tried to walk past him to the door. He stopped me by grabbing a hold of my shoulders.

"Don't you dare walk out right now. We need to talk about this." I pushed him away from me and he gave me an astonished look. I just schook my head and walked out the door without looking behind me. I felt myself growing crazy and normaly I would probably not have been mad. But the damn feeling was killing me and all I knew was that I had to figure out what it was. I walked through the hotel hallways but then I suddenly stopped. Everythig suddenly dissapperead and I didn't know why I had done it. It was so strange but even though I knew that I had acted crazily I didn't want to apologize to Jonas. Everything was to weird and I was about to walk back when Phoenix came into view. 

"Come on Jordan! We have a plan and everyone is waiting in my room", he told me as he grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me down the hallways I just had came from.

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