Chapter 14 - Confusion

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A/N: Okay so I have no idea if Mason is a werewolf or a vampire... Therefore I made him a vamp. If I made a misstake, please let me know. I've gone through like ten chapters and I can't find anything ecxept really(REALLY) bad grammar.

xoxo Sofija


Chapter 14 - Confusion

Jordan's POV

I was feeling like I was being drugged down. In reality I was actually on my way to getting better. My head still hurt and I was still feeling like shit. After less then a week I still hadn't gotten recovered yet. Maybe it was like being sick, but without the feeling like you're burning up. The worst part about being stuck in bed was having a lot of time to think. The only thing stuck on my mind was Phoenix.

What was Phoenix doing?

What was I gonna tell Phoenix?

Did Phoenix like Summer?

Stupid questions that actually didn't mean anything, ecxept they did. They meant something to me. Jonas had talked to me the day after I came back. We had agreed that the kiss was like our goodbye kiss. I had been afraid at first about talking to Jonas, but he was the one who had seen reason. Weirdly enough!

I had no idea what to do about the Phoenix thing. I couldn't tell him about the mate thing while we were on the run, especially not while I was healing. It would be unfair to drop a bomb like that, I was also to afraid to tell him. You couldn't just say "Hi, we're mates!" It was basically telling him that we were ment to be together forever and I had no idea how to tell someone that. How did you tell someone you've known for a while that you aren't supposed to be friends, you were supposed to be more. It was impossible to do and I didn't want to do that. I was happy though that I had time to do so, I had eternity.

I turned around in the hotel bed. It would do me good to sleep. I shut my eyes and tried to clear my head. I tried to find peace but the thought of Phoenix kept me up. I needed to speak with Summer but I couldn't walk to her. I was stuck alone in a room with only myself to speak to.

"Why couldn't I just get a little bit beaten up?", I asked myself loudly.

"I don't think that was really your choice", Phoenix said as he came through the door. He must of heard me. In his hands he held a tray with a bloodbag and some ordinary food.

"Eww! I don't want blood", I told him with a wrinkled nose.

"You need it to make yourself stronger. Plus, you drank some at the Principals", he told me as he sat down beside me on the bed. He helped me get up so that I could sit up and handed me the bag. I refused to take it. 

"Come on! Drink up." He held the bloodbag closer to my mouth but I tried to push it away. This resulted in a little rip the bag and the blood started to drip on the bed. I stared at it, not really with hunger. It was just like seeing an apple. It didn't drive me completly crazy, probably because I was half wolf too. Phoenix hurridly put the bag back on the tray so that it wouldn't drip anymore. His hands was a little bit covered in blood and he looked at them decidingly.

"Here, drink!", he said and held up his hands to me after a lot of thinking. I looked at him with cofusion. My heartrate had sped up but I prayed that he hadn't noticed. Turns out that he did.

"It's okay, it doesn't bother me." I sighed in relief as I realised that he had missread it. I grabbed his hands in my shaking ones.

"it's okay", he reasured me and smiled at me calmly. I brought one of his hands to my mouth and slowly licked it.

"This is so weird", I mumled in his hand. He laughed which got me to laugh. I should have felt awkward licking blood from his hand but it didn't, for some really crazy reason.

"You're right, it is kind of weird." I licked away some more blood and laughed again.

"Not kind of weird, really weird." He laughed and I pulled away from his hand. I got a weird feeling of loss when I let go of him but I didn't let it be seen on my face.

"Go and wash the rest away, I'm feeling full", I lied. I could of probably had the whole bloodbag if I wanted to but I was also feeling a little bit sick at the thought of eating, or drinking. He got up and left for the hotel bathroom. When he went out of sight I felt like screaming like a lovestruck teenage girl. Of course didn't but I put I covered my face with my hands and tried to cover the big grin I had on. Why was I feeling so damn giddy? Phoenix. He made me feel that way. My heart was beating fast but instead of keep acting crazy I slapped my face. Okay, scratch that. I slaped myself to become another sort of crazy. A crazy that would turn me normal.

"Are you okay?" I jumped at Phoenix voice. He stood in the doorway, drying his hands. He looked at me with a smirk.

"Would you believe me if I said nothing?", I asked and laughed awkwardly. Before he could answer me a loud banging came from the door. We both turned our attenition there and I was glad for the distravtion. Phoenix carefully went up to the door and glanced outside. He then opened the door wide and the rest of our gang came into the room.

"Yummy, can I have some?", Mason asked with a huge smirk on his lips. I glanced down and saw him motioning for the bloodbag. I only nodded as an answer and he happily took it and poured it in a glass he found in the bathroom.

"Not that I don't like you guys, but what are you doing here?", I asked. They all grew serious and sat around in different spots around the room. The others looked around to see who would speak. In the end it was Jonas that opened his mouth.

"We have decided that we are going to get rid of the Principal. We have to be free, and with him still alive it will never be possible", he explained. My eyebrows rose and I looked around stunned.

"Wow! I'm gone for a couple of days and you all plan an assasination."

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