Chapter 12 - The Most Romantic Place On Eart

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Chapter 12 - The Most Romantic Place On Earth

Jordan's POV

We had all been at the hotel and checked in. Everyone wanted to go out to grab a bite so all I could do was agree with them. We had eaten at some fancy restaurant but the food hadn't even been that good. I felt restless and every single second I had to fight the urge to glance at Jonas. Neither of us said much if we were not spoken to directly.

"What should we do next?", asked Phoenix. He had a big grin on his face as we walked out of the restaurant. I looked around and saw so many people around us that I didn't know exactly what was around us. I lost control for just a few seconds to look at Jonas and saw that he had a miserable face on and he was trying to hide it by looking at the ground. It hurt to know that I had caused him that pain and I couldn't look because of that.

"Come on, let's go to the Eiffel Tower!" Of course it was Summers idea. She gave us all a dreamy look and almost dragged us there. I didn't do much and I was vaguely heard one of the guys ordering our tickets. It was kind of sad that Jonas and I had just broken up and we were going to the Eiffel Tower. The best place for two newly broken up people. Note the sarcasm!

"Come on Jordan, let's go", Summer pushed me forward and I got inside one of the elevators. The guy stopped Summer and the others from getting on and the doors closed. I had noticed though that one of the guys wasn't there, he was standing behind me. Jonas.

We didn't look at each other and we didn't say a word. It was so awkward that the strangers around us could probably notice. As fast as the doors opened I bolted out. The other people in the elevator joined me but I quickly walked up to the railing.

"This is some sick joke fait is playing with us", Jonas muttered from behind me. His voice was bitter but also so sad that I had to turn around and look at his face. I felt a lump in my throat as I saw his pained eyes.

"The sickest", I agreed with a broken voice. He shook his head and looked away from me. When his eyes met mine again they were desperate.

"I always dreamed about going here when I got out of the school. I always wanted to go here with my mate and have the most romantic date. I mean I'm at the most romantic place on earth and I can't share it with the one I love." He took a deep painful breath. "I can't share this with you." I wanted to cry and I almost did. His words almost made me took a step forward and kiss him but the damn feeling kept me away from him. The feeling made me want to hit him for loving him. It was so confusing.

"And you don't think I want that?", I asked. I was so close to put my hands on his face.

"I don't know what you want. Obviously it isn't me!", he said and did what I wanted to do. His touch made me feel so good but at the same time so bad.

"Of course I want you. I want you more then I want anyone but I can't help that the feeling I have is effecting me the way it is", I told him and leaned into his touch. His hand was so warm even though most people probably expected him to be cold.

"There must be something." I felt a tear leave my eye. That traitor!

"There isn't anything, but I wish there was so bad. If I had one wish, it would all I would wished for. The only thing I want is for us to be together!" I saw fierceness in his eyes and he pulled me just a bit closer.

"Then fight!" Without another word he kissed me. I forgot everything in that kiss. I forgot that it could of made me hate him. I forgot that it was wrong. I forgot that the feeling was there. It was there and it was growing for every second but I ignored it. I kissed him back, hard and it was like I finally was at peace. Maybe we could make it work. We could fight it of, we could stop the feeling and do what we wanted to do. We could have eachother. I felt his strong arms go to my waist but then before anything could happen it ended. I was so confused until I felt the hold on my arms. They were pulling me away put I soon started fighting.

"Jordan! Jordan!", I heard Jonas's screams and I tried to scream back. A hand covered my mouth before I could get a sound out. The only thing I could do was fight as hard as I could, I pushed against everyone holding me. The peoples grasps didn't loosen. When I didn't have Jonas I could feel the feeling taking over and making me weak. That was when I knew that it couldn't be us. If one kiss made me useless then I couldn't imagine what our releationship would become. Maybe it wouldn't have mathered anyway because maybe I would just die because of us. For all I knew, I could go from weaken to dead.

"Get her to stop", a stone hard voice ordered. I only had time to register the voice before I felt the sting in my neck and I passed out.

Principal's POV

My men put the girl in the car's trunk. I had a firm smile on my lips. Everyone had done as I had asked them to. The others had just been held back while we grabbed the important one. She knew everything I wanted to know and she was the one I had to stop. I just wanted her. Some would of may called it an obsession but I saw it more as a minor interest. She had maneged to outsmart me and that made her a threat. If we removed her, the center, the others would falter. It was so easy to get a hold of her and now no one could save her. I would not let her go this time.

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