Chapter 16 - Freaking

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Chapter 16 - Freaking

Jordan's POV

I start walking. It's a bit cold outside, a bit windy. It isn't as bad as it could be but I regret not having a coat or maybe a thicker jacket. I rubbed my arms but after a while I gave up hope on getting warmer. I only felt uncomfortable, that was all the cold did to me. I turned a corner near a coffee shop and walked around it. Just as I rounded the corner I caught a glimpse of him. But I had to act like nothing so that he wouldn't think we were up to anything. I knew where he was, on the other side of the street by the bus station. I looked down at my phone as if I was expecting a text. Then I put it back in my jacket pocket. The person that was checking on me knew that I had spotted him. Like it was nothing I kept on walking, only this time with a destination.

I rounded a couple of corners and prayed that I wouldn't go the wrong way. I hoped that I had memorized the map good enough. When I turned the corner that was supposed to be the last I almost sighed in relief. I could see the old, closed down, cemetery. It was the only place that we could come up with that would be totally empty. I walked with my eyes on the ground. I focused on my hearing and could hear small faint footsteps behind me. They were far behind but I knew that they were following me. I walked through the gate and made my way through the tomb stones.

"You should not be all by yourself you know", I heard him behind me. I quickly turned around and acted like I had was startled. My face showed fake surprise.

"How did you know where to find me?", I asked with my voice shaking. He looked at me mockingly.

"Did you really think that you could just run that easily. When you stay in the same place for as long as you did it was no problem tracking you. Now, I just have to tell you that this would all be over if you came with me. You would be spared so much pain and you wouldn't even have to wonder about your mate", he told me and I frowned in confusion. What was he talking about?

"What?", I asked simply and he smirked at me knowingly.

"I know that your little boyfriend, Jonas, isn't your mate. You've probably already broken up with him because of it. The thing is that I actually know who he is", he told me. Was he serious? Why hadn't the others attacked already?

"Yeah? Who is it then?", I asked him daringly.

"It's one of the guys back at the school. I could tell you who he is, all you have to do is to get your friends and come with me." I shook my head. He didn't know.

"Good try, I will give you that. Next time you should probably make sure that I haven't already figured it out already", I said with a smirk of my own. I saw a shadow come up behind him which made me frown as I realized it wasn't on of us.

"Yeah, well I have some people that can help you reconsider." More shadows came from around us. I counted to seven. We could probably take them... I wished.

"And I have some people that can help me not reconsider", I told him as I noticed my friends come forward. I could see his face change with realization. He had been tricked and he had just realized.

"Then we will just have to see who has the best people", he said and it was like he had cried a battle roar, when in reality he had just calmly said it. His men ran for us and we reacted fast. I saw some of his men pull up some knives and I noticed our guys doing the same. I made a quick note to yell at the guys for not giving me anything. Then it all started. One of the smaller guys came at me with his knife but I dodged him quickly. Then I hit out with my fist at the side of the guys knee. He screamed as his knee jolted out of place. I got up from my crouching position and kneed him in the head. Before he could react I also grabbed a hold of his head and kneed him once more. I let him drop to the ground and turned around to see the others fighting. Phoenix was just about to twist a guys neck when suddenly he disappeared out of sight. I looked around but couldn't see him until I suddenly heard the scream.

"Drop everything or I'll slit his throat!", the Principal screamed out. I felt my heart skip a couple of beats. It felt like I was having a panic attack and I didn't know what to do. My head was spinning. Just because of his words, I could feel like I was going to scream. I was so scared, I felt as if he died, so would I. I didn't notice what the others did but I guessed that they stopped because Phoenix stayed alive.

"Don't come any closer!" Still nobody moved. I felt like I was gonna pass out because of all the fright and panic. My heart was beating fast and hard, almost as if it was trying to beat out of my chest. Before I could react I saw the Principal move the knife and go inside Phoenix's gut. I fell to my knees and felt a hurting feeling in my chest. I didn't even notice the Principal run, all I could do was hurry up to Phoenix and get back to my knees.

"Don't die! Please don't die! Please!", I cried. Tears started to flow down my cheeks and I put my hands to his stomach. I saw Phoenix's eyes open and close but they were never focusing on anything. I kept on holding my hands to the wound but I was to emotinal to actually feel if anything change. I cried and cried until I felt a pair of arms pull me back.

"Calm down Jordan! Mason and Jonas will get him and we have to get Phoenix out of here", Summer said appearing in front of me. She wasn't the one holding me but she took over as Jack carefully lifted Phoenix.

"Please, don't let him die", I whispered to Summer and leaned on her.

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