Chap 2 - Freedom

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Chapter 2

Jordan's POV

I hurried back to the room where everybody else were waiting. When I walked throught the door everybody looked at me with hoping eyes. I took a deep breath and then smiled.

"He said yes. Come on hurry. We need to fix everything so no one suspects us. When does school start again?" I asked. We looked at Phoenix. He sighed.

"School starts in five days. If we're lucky they wont find out until then. People have tried to escape before and they got outside school but they allways got them before they got away. I think it is beacuse they didn't expect anyone to leave. Now they do." he told us. He had a point, we had a bigger chance then other people could possibly have. We were expected to leave and we had our permission. No one could have had it before.

"Have you met anyone who tried to escape from here?" asked Summer. They all nodded.

"He's in one of our classes, Peter. He is the person who had got the closest to succeed. He told us that his roommate told the principle and that's why he got cought. I know that it's true beacuse I had been called to the principle the same day and heared when the bastard exposed him." Jonas said. I wouldn't done that, I would've gone with him. The freedom was something everybody deserved and I would've never take it away from someone.

"Okay but now we need to hurry and get out of here. Take your bags and let's go." I said and we all headed out. We walked to our cars and parted. I, Jonas and Mason got to my car and put our bags inside. When Summers car was done too, we drove away.

"Put the blanket over you guys and lay down." I said and saw that Summer had said the same thing to the others. When we came outside the school I speed away with Summer before me. The guys sat up again and we then stoped at the next gas station.

"Okay, we need to decied where to go but first, what's your name?" I asked Phoenix brother. He smiled.

"My name is Jack. And I think I know where we can go." he said. We waited for him to continue and then he said.

"I think it's best if we go somewhere random and I know where that is. Carbon Hill. It's a little town in Alabama and it's just one of many small towns. We'll be safe there untill we know where we want to go." he said. That sounds smart. No one expects us there, I didn't even know it existed. I nodded.

"We'll go there. But I don't know where to go so Jonas, you'll drive." I said and he nodded. We got back in the cars and speed of. I'm not very nice if I sit in a car to long so I did what any other person would do, I anoyed the person in the back seat. I took my iPod from my pocket and started to play Turn Me On by David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj. I started sing along. And did this mini dance. When I turned up the volume and sang loude I could see both get annoyed. I got bored and changed to Summer Paradise.

"Your name is written in the sand." I sang. Then I changed to Young, Wild And Free.

"So what we got drunk, so what we smooke weed, we're just having fun, we don't care who sees." I sang again and the guys got more annoyed. I smirked evily. I put on Old MacDonald. I sang along when they said ehja ehja ohh.

"GAAHH!" Jonas and Mason screamed. I put on "C" Is For Cookie and sang along. They looked at me like they were about to kill me. I played sexy back and sang along.

"I'm bringing sexy back, the other boys don't know how to act." I said and did a little mini dance. Mason smirked evily. Then he was about to get me to the back but I smacked his hand away. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You mmoved fast. You know like vampires and werewolfs do." he said. Shit, they can't know. I faked that I was surprised but the guys saw right throught it.

"You're going to tell us when we get there." Mason said and then we drove in silence.


That's it. Is she gonna tell her secret??? Even I don't know. So it's a surprise. Whpoi!!



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