Chapter 5: a voice is born

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*Louis POV*

Twenty minutes later, we are at the front door of Lia's house. I hold her head with one hand and open the door with the other, and slowly move out of the way to lay her head on the seat. She is beautiful in her sleep, and her snore is cute.

"Are you going to stare at her until tomorrow? Or put her to bed?" Harry asks, giving me a look.

"Hold on lads, I have to pick her up, be patient," I whisper, putting one arm under her neck and the other under her legs.

"Bridal style, nice one tommo," Zayn whispers, slowly pushing Lia out. I get her out of the car, making sure she doesn't hit her head anywhere. I adjust her a bit, and slowly walk up to the dark house. She lets out a whimper, most likely from a bad dream, and rests her head on my chest. She lets out a happy sigh, and smiles.

"What's going on in their?" I coo, she keeps smiling and snuggles into me more. I walk up to the front door, not locked. "Damn, should have locked it!" I say, pushing the door open. Inside its dark, I find the switch and flick it on with my chin. The room was left the way it was, quiet and the couch still a mess.

I walk upstairs and head to her bedroom, covered in our band's posters. I chuckle and head over to her bed. I use one hand to throw the blanket off, and gently lay her down. I push her a bit to the middle, just so she won't fall. I put the blanket back on her, making her warm. I sit down at the edge of the bed, and gently pull a strand of chesnut brown hair off her face. She sleeps so peacefully, with her beautiful smile on her pretty face. I look at her hand and it twitches, and her eyebrows knot together. She starts to moan, almost cries. I panick, what's wrong? I put my arms around her, and put my hand in hers. She grips it, not letting me go.

"Don't leave me Lou, you're all I have," she whispers,"please don't leave me like John."

John? Who the bloody hell is he? I grip her hand tight. "I'm here Lia, I won't leave you like John." She lets out a sigh, a happy one. She slowly slips back into sleep, letting go of my hand. I let go and stand up. Looking at her one more time, I head out of the room and jog downstairs. The front door is wide open, and the lads are still in the car. I walk out the front door, but something stops me. It's Lia, she's in my head. She's moaning, crying, begging for me to stay. I tighten the grip on the handle, and think twice. "Boys, I'm staying here for the night! She's home alone!" I shout.

"You sure you'll be alright Lou?" Harry shouts back.

"I'll be fine lads! Be back in the morning k?" I shout back.

"Sure man! Take care!" Zayn shouts, and Harry starts the engine.

"Bye!" they shout, and I wave back at them.

I walk back into the house, and lock the door behind me. I head over to the kitchen, and see a note on the dining table. I pick it up, a letter from her mom:

Dear Lia,

Hello darling, I hope you are having fun with the boys. How's Louis? I bet you fancy him!

I have some bad news honey, I'll be gone for a month. Something's happening in Switzerland, and they need me urgently. I'm sorry we can't have mother-daughter time, but this is your chance to get to know Lou. Hope you two get along! Say hi to him for me!

Love you hon!


I let out a sigh, poor Lia. All alone, but it is a great chance for us to get to know each other. I put the letter back down, trying to not show proof that I have read it. I walk to the switch and turn off the lights. I jog up the stairs, two at a time. I walk to Lia's room, and hear music playing. Her radio has turned on, and playing on it is our song "Irresistable". I haven't heard that song in so long, but that's how I feel towards Lia, her eyes so irresistable. Her fingertips so touchable, her lips so kissable. But I can't feel this way for her, she's my little sister. I have to love her, but not like that. I let out a long sigh, and plop onto the couch by her window sill.

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