For those Blink fans out there, this was nearly a song reference hehe
"We're just going to go like this?" I asked, looking down at my converse, ripped jeans and band t-shirt. I mean, yes these were comfortable. Everyday outfit, in fact. But going on your first date with your hot-as-hell boyfriend, I would expect to dress a bit nicer. "Nothing fancy, right?"
"Of course not love," Lou smiled, taking my hand in his, "no need for posh and all, especially in that outfit!"
"Lou!" I yelped, smacking his arm. His laugh rang through the hallway we were walking down.
"I'm only joking love, you know I love your style," he winked, which I only rolled my eyes to. Paul led us to the car, escaping around back with the other boys following behind us, but while they took a turn left back to the hotel, we took a turn right.
"Lou, what are we going to eat?" I asked, throwing my legs over his lap casually, leaning against the window as Paul drove us to who knows where.
"Hold on darling, I've got a plan," his sky blue eyes glimmered with mischief, showing his childish, lovable self, "all you need to do is follow along love, simple as that."
"Gotcha," I winked, sighing as I shagged against the door, tired from tonight. Yeah, I know I just had to chillax and sit in the back, but I was still tired as heck. How could the boys do this each night? Where did they get the energy?
Paul took a turn into the parking lot of a, like Lou said, not so fancy looking Italian restaurant. But it didn't look like a wreck, no, nothing like that. It was more of a homey appearance, inviting warmth and comfort when needed, and even when not.
As the gentlemen he is, Lou opened the door for me, holding out his hand for me to take. As my fingers grasped his, I invited the fuzzy feeling with glee, that feeling I got every time we made contact. I couldn't get over that feeling, that slight zing at every touch we shared. It seemed that I would never get over it.
We walked in, and I was quite happy to say that barely anyone was inside. An old man sat in the corner drinking his cup of coffee, and the only other people were the waiters. Obviously, since it was around 1 in the morning right now. Lou took us to a seat by the window, a booth seat, awkwardly by the bathroom. I turned back, eyeing the bathroom, then turning back to Lou with a raised eyebrow. He only winked, and I understood that this was apart of this 'plan' he had.
Paul took a seat towards the corner as well, parallel to us. He clearly had to keep an eye on us, and I was actually quite surprised when I noticed that he was the only piece of management patrolling us. It was evident that Louis was the most mischievous of the boys, and one guard would clearly not be enough to contain him.
A bulky, cheery looking waiter came over to give us our menus, and was overjoyed to be in the presence of the one and only Louis Tomlinson. After a picture, and a quick autograph, Lou silently told the waiter the plan. I didn't hear though, I was too busy buzzing through twitter.
#LiaParker,and even #TheNewTommo was trending, flying all over the place. Shots of me and the boys dancing around stage were everywhere on retweets, some of the boys even tweeting responses. There were so many sweet, happy mentions and welcomes to the family type messages. But of course every ying had a yang...or every yang had a ying, I don't know. Anyways, negative comments were fired at me, calling me fat, ugly, and everything else insensitive people had the balls to say. I, of course, ignored the shit.
"Lia, darling," Lou tapped my head teasingly from the other side of the table, my head shooting up to give him a 'don't do that again' look. His eyes twinkled as a chuckle left his lips, "Mr. Giovanni over there says there is a large enough window to escape from in the ladies' room. We'll escape from there."

Louis, my brother (L.T)
RomanceLia Parker is the average 17 year old girl, until one day when her mom brings her news. Apparently her mom is dating some guy who has a son 4 years older than her. The moment she meets her soon to be half brother, she becomes very close to him and h...