Chapter 17: Surprise!

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We finally arrived, and I was still a bit shocked by what Lou had said. Did he really think he was that lucky to have me? After all, I'm just another average girl. Jeesh, I actually am beginning to wonder what he sees in me, cause I see...well nothing. And I'm also not who he thinks I am. 

"I call shotgun!" Harry yells, jumping into the front seat. Liam shrugs and chooses to sit beside me and Louis, Ni and Zayn pilling in the back. 

"So guys, how long we here?" I ask.

"Um, I think 3 or 4 days, not too sure," Zayn replies.

"4 days boys, we added an extra show," Paul announces.

"You can add in shows in concerts? I didn't know that," I say.

"Get used to it love, it happens almost all the time," Liam says. 

"I'll have to get used to everyone saying 'love' all the time, its not something I hear very often," I tell Liam.

"It's cause you're American eh?" Niall says, seems like he's finally settled. Thankfully, I was getting sick of him sick of me. If that's even possible.

"Yeah, but I like it, and maybe if I'm lucky I might get a bit of these hardcore british accents of yours," I say, then put in, "and Irish too, of course."

"For a minute I thought you forgot about me," Niall plays.

"Aww Ni, how could I?" I say, pinching his cheek. Louis then slips his arm around me, damn what a boyfriend.

"So are we all sharing a room?" I pitch in.

"Yeah, we've got connecting rooms, but we'll get visited alot though," Harry says.

"By fans?" I asked, a bit surprised. I didn't think the boys did that.

"No no, another band," Louis says, smiling mischievously. 

"Why is he smiling like that? Who's the other band?" I ask the boys.

"Its a surprise," Liam says, smiling that warm smile of his.

"Oh, that means its not Ed Sheeran huh?" I ask.

Harry chuckles deeply, "you'll meet him soon love, like I promised."

"Yay," I say, Harry chuckling in response. As everyone starts off talking whatever they talk about, I notice Louis peering at me.

"Hey Tommo, what's up?" I say, inching closer and throwing both my legs over his.

"You're so beautiful," he breathes out. 

"I don't think that, but thanks anyway," I tell him, kissing his cheek.

"Why not love? You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met," he says. That's alot coming from him, especially since he's seen billions of girls.

"Awww Lou, thank you. I just think I'm average," I tell him, and he shakes his head.

"Not in my eyes, never will you be average," he says, and kisses me. The kiss is soft, sweet, our lips moving in sync. 

"You guys make me feel like the third wheel," Liam butts in, totally ruining the moment.

Louis frowns at him, " thanks for ruining the moment mate!" 


Still Lia

We arrived at our second hotel on tour, and I had to say I was exhausted. Even though we had a long plane ride, I can't really rest on a plane. It just doesn't feel right, cause you have to squirm around and find a damn position that's comfortable enough and at times...that's almost impossible.

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