Chapter 12: It happens
+Niall POV+
All of a sudden, the bed shakes, waking me up.
"Huh?" I moan, waking up slighlty. I'm in that state where you're asleep and awake, I've bet plenty of people know what that feels like. One word: confusion.
"Sorry Ni, gotta rush," Lia says, running into the bathroom as if she's being chased. Suddenly, everything that happened last night hits me right across the face. I roll onto my back, blankly staring at the ceiling. How do I tell her?
It''s midnight, and I can't sleep. I've been rolling around for roughly 30 minutes now, trying to get into a comfy position...without waking up Lia.
Her breathing is delicate, light snoring. Its actually really cute. I get up on one elbow just to see her face, it's completely adorable. Her lips are slightly parted, her bangs in her face. She looks so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. I could actually call her Sleeping Beauty. Oh how I wish I was the handsome prince who was destined to wake her up from her slumber, just from a small kiss. But I can't and I won't. I don't want to hurt her or Louis. So, I guess the prince's part has already been taken.
I breathe out a sigh and sit up, my back to Lia. I need to get it out of me, it's bugging me. Somehow, I need to tell her that I really like her, adore her. But I don't really want it to come straight out, I want her to realise it. But how?
"Can't sleep?" I hear someone ask. Is that my concience? I feel someone pat my back and turn around to see a sleepy Lia.
"Nah, not really," I say, sighing again. The bed shakes a bit as Lia moves to sit beside me.
"Speak your mind Horan," she says and I smile. I don't think I've ever had anyone willing to listen to my issues, unless its some kind of counselor.
"Well," I start off," I'm in a situation like this. There's a particular girl I like, you probably don't know her, and I really like her. The thing is, she liked my best friend, and being his best friend, I'm his wingman. I don't want to so much as hurt that girl or my best friend, because I care for them both. The other thing is that my best friend always, and I mean always, gets the girl. I truly believe I have a chance with this special girl, but I'm afraid to tell her and hurt either one of them." I breathe out, relief.
I look at her, and she's just blanky staring at the ground.
"Lia?" I say. She holds my hand, in a friendly way, but I feel a million sparks bursting,.
"It's happens Niall, it happens," she says.
"But what should I do?" I ask, looking at our hands together like this.
"I think you should tell her how you feel," she says, "also keep in mind, though, that there are sooo many other girls out in the world that you could meet and fall for the same way."
"But," I say, sighing then looking at her straight in the eye, "I only want her."
I hear her sigh, and from the moonlight, I can see her smiling at me.
"Come here," she says, almost a whisper. She opens her arms for a hug, and I gratefully accept it. Her arms wrap around my back with mine around her waist. A few minutes later, she lets go and still smiles at me.
"Let's go to bed now," she says, "we both have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I nod and crawl back in, she doing the same.
"Goodnight Lia," I whisper. I turn so my back faces her, slighty ashamed of my failure.

Louis, my brother (L.T)
RomanceLia Parker is the average 17 year old girl, until one day when her mom brings her news. Apparently her mom is dating some guy who has a son 4 years older than her. The moment she meets her soon to be half brother, she becomes very close to him and h...