Breaking the curse

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermione povWhat? Draco shouted She's under the imperious curse mate Harry said How do we fix her he said tears grazing his eyesIt's really powerful magic but me and Harry have done it before I sayI looked at Harry nervously Well come on hurry up ...

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Hermione pov
What? Draco shouted
She's under the imperious curse mate Harry said
How do we fix her he said tears grazing his eyes
It's really powerful magic but me and Harry have done it before I say
I looked at Harry nervously
Well come on hurry up we need to fix my mum Draco said shaking
Um... we'll it's very painful and it takes awhile and we will need you to hold her Down while me and Harry
Break it I say
Okay whatever it takes Draco said
Theo Blaise Ginny and Draco all held narcissa down while me and Harry stood over her starting to say the spell
A vast purple light poured out of our wands and around narcissa she started thrashing and screaming
Hold her down it won't work with
Her Moving like this Harry
We finished the spell and narcissa stopped moving for at least thirty seconds and jumped up gasping for air.
What happened she said looking around wide eyed
And why are all of you in my
Home and not at school she asked looking at Draco
Mother you were put under
The imperious curse he said
What how and who she said confusedly
By father.. Draco started
Dray your father is dead she said
No he is not Draco said and I think he put you under the curse to kill hermione he said
What why would you say that she said
Because when I asked about father you fainted and came back up saying kill the mud blood he said
Oh she said
Well I'm fine now you kids can go she
Are you sure aunt cissa Blaise asked
Yes dear I'm fine I will contact you often to keep you updated.
Okay he said
And then with a pop we were back at the apperation point at the gates
Of hog warts.
We walked back to the common room
And sat in silence until I spoke up
I'm sorry to say this but I think we should go find this motherfucking bastard and kill him for all he has done its not like he can take us all on at once now can he I say
I agree hermione Draco said
But what if there are more death eaters than just lucious Harry said
Well I have a plan what if me and Harry get our selves captured by
Him since we can do wand less magic he won't know what we are doing and we can use the DA coins to track everyone so you can come as back up i say
What makes you think he will try and capture you two theo said
He wouldn't miss a chance to torture
Or kill the mud blood that corrupted his son and also help kill you know who and the boy that killed you know who I say
Good point theo says
It's settled then tonight our plan goes to work me and Harry will take a late walk through hogsmeade and around the shrieking shack I say
Perfect Harry said
So what are DA coins Blaise asked
Dumbledores army pretty much but the coins can only be seen for what they really are if you know how to
Use them and if you don't you think it's a regular old galleon I say
Wow that's smart Draco said
I came up with it I shrugged
Of course you did Blaise said

So for the rest of the day we planned our attack for that night and now me and Harry are walking near the shrieking shack
Me and Harry are communicating through our heads so Lucius If he is near us can't hear us.

In our heads

Hermione did you see something move at your 10 o'clock we are being followed our plan is working Harry said
Yeah I see remember don't attack until we see him clearly
He suddenly came from his huffing place And had his wand pointed at us
Now I said in my head
A green light came flashing from somewhere and Lucius fell to the
Ground dead
Me and Harry both looked at each other because neither one of us had said the curse suddenly we heard running coming to us and it was Draco holding his wand coming from where the curse was from
Draco did you.. I start
Until I see dracos face he never has killed someone and the first person he ever killed was his on father and sure he was an awful man but still Draco will feel guilt for killing someone it might not be because it was his father because Draco hated him but because he killed someone in general
Hermione he said weakly falling to his knees me and Harry rushed to him
Drake are you okay I ask
I just killed another human being he said eyes widened
Why did you do me and Harry almost
Had him I say
I couldn't let you live with the guilt of killing him he may have been a horrible father to me but you still would of regretted it, know you he said
I pulled him into a tight hug
I love you drake don't forget that I say
I love you too hermione thank you he said
We walked back to the common room with Harry
Did you do it Blaise asked
Drake did I say
Blaise looked at Draco and walked up to him and hugged him he whispered in his ear but I could hear
Drake he deserved it man for all he did to you you haven't even told hermione the hole story she needs to know Blaise said
I know thanks mate he said and then everyone said there goodbyes and then me and Draco where left sitting on the sofa
Hermione Draco said
Yes drake I say
Well when I would go home from hog warts or when before I went to hog warts my father would abuse me but that was not the full extent because when what happened with Ron and you I was so protective because my father did the same thing to me he said and it would happen every time I was at home from hogwarts and before hogwarts he did it all the Time he said wiping his tears breathing heavy and I was crying to because how could someone do that to their son it sickening
I'm so sorry drake I say
It's okay Mione it's good to tell you I needed that the only people that know about Is my father me Blaise and now you he said
How did Blaise find out I ask
Well we've been best friend since we were three so one day we were about nine or ten and he came over after my father well you know and I was really sore and stuff and when me and Blaise where alone I couldn't take it anymore and broke down and Blaise asked me what was wrong and since i trusted him with my life I knew he wouldn't tell anyone so I told him. he says
Oh drake I say
Mione I'm glad I have you I love you he says
I love you too drake I say
And that night me and Draco had our first kiss with each other and fell asleep in each others arms.

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