But how is this possible?

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermione's povMy eyes fluttered open to see that I was not in the classroom anymore but in the hospital wing with Draco

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Hermione's pov
My eyes fluttered open to see that I was not in the classroom anymore but in the hospital wing with Draco.
I turned and see him on my right sleeping I get up and walk over to his
Bed and laid on his chest and fell back into a peaceful sleep.

Harry's pov
Me Ginny theo and Blaise are walking to the hospital wing to see hermione and Draco
We walk in and notice hermione not in her bed but dracos we walk over to them and sit around the bed.
Hello children I would like to ask you a couple of questions about your friends mp asked
Yes of course I said
Well I noticed quite a lot of scars on both mister malfoy and miss granger that could not just come from on cruciatius curse I understand miss grangers but what happened to mister malfoy to get those scars she asked
Blaise eyes went wide and he shuffled in his seat
Blaise do you know something I ask
Um I can't tell you it's private he said
What why can't you Ginny said
As I said its private and I gave drake my word I wouldn't say anything he said
Fine I say
Suddenly we saw the two people on the bed jump up
At the same time they said
They're both breathing heavy
What happened u asked
He's alive they say
Who's alive
My father!
What how do you know they are alive
We just saw them while we were unconscious hermione said.
But how is this possible they're suppose to be dead we all know that theo said
The resurrection stone i said
Harry do you know what this means hermione said
Yes hermione there will be a 3rd war I say
What? Draco Ginny Blaise and theo said
What do you mean Draco says
The resurrection stone is one of the deathly hollows and I dropped it in the forbidden forest they must of found it and now they are bringing back death eaters and eventually you know who hermione said
The we will fight Draco said
Draco it doesn't work that way we will need an army and the death eaters probably already have a lot of people
Because they are planning I say
We will get as many people as we can you know who won't be that strong right now since he Will be resurrected
And he has no horcroxes and the death eaters won't know we know about the war so we will have an upper hand. hermione said
Your right I say
We should tell mcgonnagal first Draco said
Yeah I agreed
I will send y patronus since you two can't walk very well right now I say
Yeah hermione says
I send my stag with the message to mcgonnagal.
Dracos pov
I nervously ran my hand in my hair
He can't come back I just got rid of him.
Mcgonnagal came bustling in
What is the matter children she said
Professor another war is starting Harry said
Potter you better have good reason to say this she said
Hermione and Draco just whole
They where unconscious had a vision that Lucius and Ron are alive with the help of the resurrection stone and they could use it to bring back you know who Harry says
Are you for certain
She said
Yes I say
We will need to regroup dumbledores army and add new recruits and alert all order members hermione said
All aurors too Harry said
I will now rest you two the curse took alot of energy with that she left.
My fathers back I just got rid of him I mumble shaking
Drake you okay Ginny said
I jumped a little
I just shake my head and pull my knees to my chest holding back my tears.
What's the matter drake Ginny asks
I run my hands through my hair and let out a shaky breath.
Drake you don't have to tell them Blaise said
Yeah hermione said
Tell us what Harry asked
Um.. well my father he used... he used to um.... r...rape me all the time... before first year and then when I would come home for breaks he would... I say tears running down my cheeks I then pulled it to a massive group hug with hermione Blaise theo Harry and Ginny
Thank you I say
No problem drake Ginny said
I smile at her
we should probably go to bed hermione said her voice cracking
Everyone left the hospital wing and now me and hermione are sitting here
You okay I ask
No she says and lets the tears fall
Ron's back and I'm afraid she said
I'm Afraid to my father is back and I don't know what to do but hermione what I do know is that I love you and I will never leave your side I say looking in her eyes trough my tears
I love you too and I will never leave you sue said
For the rest of the night we cried and held each other.

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