Talking to mum

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Dracos pov I woke to the tapping of an owl I groaned and unraveled my self slowly making sure not to wake hermione or hurt her or my self

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Dracos pov
I woke to the tapping of an owl
I groaned and unraveled my self slowly making sure not to wake hermione or hurt her or my self.
I slowly made my way to the window
I took the letter from the owl and opened it.

Yesterday evening aurors had come to the manor all the death eaters have been captured and surprisingly Ron Weasley was in the mix.
I'm not sure what happened since I was in France but I'm at the ministry and they are asking for you and your friends to come and witness their hearings since supposedly you were there when I see you I hope you can explain
All my love,

I had tears in my eyes how was i suppose to explain why I was there in front of all those people and they want question my friends too this will be bad hermione has also got to explain in front the whole ministry about what happened leading up to last night and last night and I have to explain also.
I better tell everyone.
I slowly made my way back to the bed I gently woke hermione.
She turned over and looked at me I guess she noticed my worried expression and sat up quickly.
Drake what's the matter she asked
My mother just sent me a letter all the death eaters have been captured I say
That's great news she said
That not all they found out we were there and they've asked us to explain why we were there and the events leading up to us being there I say
So we have to know... in front of the whole ministry and your mother as well she said
Yes I say
Oh drake it's okay she said pulling me into an embrace
I know I say
Lets go tell everyone else she said
We got up and woke everyone else and explained what we have to do today.
So you're telling us we have to go in front of everyone and explain our reasoning for being there Ginny had said once we finished explaining.
So now we have to get dressed we have to be at the ministry in an hour so we can talk to my mum.
We got up and headed different directions.
Once dressed hermione apperarted everyone to the ministry
When we landed I winced in pain
Bloody hell that Hurt hermione said grabbing her side
your telling me I say.
We walked into the reception area
Name this lady said with an attitude
Draco malfoy
Hermione granger
Blaise zabini
Harry potter
Ginny Weasley
Theodore nott
I say
Oh right this way she said
We walked down this long halls and turned the corner to see sitting my mother.
Mum I cried
Draco dear you are here she said
Yeah I say
So can you explain to me why the auror office thinks you were at the manor the other night she asked
Because I was we all were I say
Why she asked
Because..... um well mum... I... I couldn't finish the sentence while trying to choke back tears luckily Blaise took over.
Aunt cissa I feel it might be better if you sit down because this can come as a shock Blaise said calmly
She tried to look me in the eye but I felt embarrassed and ashamed so i turned away.
Um.. well Lucius kinda.... um ... raped Draco Blaise said
I let out a strangled sigh
I felt arms around me I see a mass of brown curls and held tighter knowing it was hermione.
What.... you where in the manor because your father captured you and raped you my mother said in utter disbelief
I nod
Then say
That wasn't the only Time though I mutter quietly but she heard me I casted my eyes to the floor.
Why didn't you tell anybody she said
I told Blaise I say
Why him why not me she asked
Because he saw me break down and he asked me what was wrong and since I trusted him I told him and I didn't tell you because I was to embarrassed and ashamed to tell you I say trying to hold back reads but failing horribly.
How long had this been going on she asked
Since my fifth birthday I say
Oh my god I'm sorry dray she said coming up to me and wrapping her arms around me.
I took in a sharp intake of breath
What's the matter she asked
I'm just sore I say giving a weak smile
She nods sadly.
Well may I finally meet you girl friend properly she said changing the subject.
Yeah I say
Mum this is hermione, hermione this is my mum I say
Hello miss malfoy hermione said
Hello dear and please call me narcissa she said
Of course hermione said.
The trial of Lucius malfoy is starting someone said
Everyone walked in except me and hermione
She grabbed my hand
Draco I'm right here if you need me we can do this together she said
I know I love you I say
I love you too she says and we walk into the room.

The scars between us (a dramione fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now