The burrow and an angry weasley

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

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Hermiones pov
Mrs. Weasley draco said patting her back awkwardly
Molly dear would you guys come inside she asked
Of course we say and walk into the burrow
We walked in and sat in the living room
So how was your parents hermione mrs Weasley asked
Oh their good but my dad almost killed draco
Oh no what happened we we were about to tell them what happened to me when he asked who they were I said gesturing to draco and Blaise
And since he only heard about draco calling me names and such well it wasn't a good time to be there but I fixed right up and now I think he merely did likes him instead of despises him
Oh well it's a start mrs Weasley chuckled
Mum! dad! have you seen the paper that slut hermione killed Ron Percy yelled coming into the room
He saw me and pushed me against the wall
You killed Ron you slut he said pushing his wand to my throat
Percy please let me explain I say trying to breath
No need I read the paper and I don't believe a word of it Ron would never do that you
Just wanted him deaf well now I will hurt you
Suddenly he is pulled back and on the floor with a bloody nose
Blaise and Ginny were standing next to him with there hands made to fist about to attack again
Draco and Harry were being held back by mrs. Weasley I bet they said they would kill him because
There wands were drawn and it looked like they were ready to kill
What in Merlin's beard Ginerva why did you punch me she's the one that got Ron killed he said
No she didn't Ron put that on himself because of what he did to hermione
Ginny said
What no Ron would never do that he said
Yes he did we all said
I don't believe any of you mother how can you allow this slut in our home after she killed Ron
She did nothing of the sort and if you don't like it than leave she is welcomed here anytime she wants and so are Blaise and Draco
What did you say draco as In draco Malfoy he asked clearly not noticing him
Yes she said
You allow that death eater ferret enter our home after his people killed Fred
Wow mother I guess you don't care about your kids just the people that hurt them he said walking out the door
Molly sobbed and fell to he floor
I'm so sorry Molly I say
Oh dear it's not your fault she said
Hey what's the commotion George said coming down the stairs
Georgy! I yelled
With excitement
Mione he said running down the stairs pulling me into a right hug and swinging me around
How are you I asked
I'm coping but how are you I heard about what Ron did but I'm glad your not dead he said
I'm better with him gone I say
Well I have exciting news I'm coming back to hogwarts to become the dada teacher he said
Oh yay my favorite Weasley will be there
heys! were heard from Ginny miss Weasley and mister Weasley
I just smiled at George he smiled back
He looked around the room
And asked
Okay why is our house invaded with snakes he asked
Well these
Snakes are our friends and draco is my boyfriend I say
I was waiting in his reaction hoping it won't be bad
Oh my god your dating Malfoy..( oh no this going to be bad I thought)
That's amazing bill owes me 15 galleons and I'm glad I'm going back to hogwarts I've been out of the loop and i feel lonely but now I can do more pranks I have some new stuff to try he said smirking
Wait what do you mean bill owes you 15 galleons? I asked
Um.. we'll me and bill made a bet I said you and Malfoy would get together eventually
But bill said that will never happen and we bet each other fifteen galleons he said shrugging
George your an evil genius how did you know we would get together I ask
Um the way you acted towards each other if two people hated each other that much well I don't think they would make an effort to even acknowledge each other yet you two found way even if it was negative to talk to each other and if Malfoy really hated you for being a muggle born wouldn't you think he wouldn't even try to be close or talk to you he said
Oh my god George your right I say
I always am he said
Oh we'll we got to get back to hogwarts but what say are you coming George
Um next Monday he said
Okay love you Georgy I say
Love you too mione we hugged and I disaperated everyone to hogwarts.

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