Head what?

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermiones potYou know who was defeated by the golden trio and I'm proud to announce that all three of them are back at hogwarts will you three please stand mcgongall saysRon and Harry stand but I don't Miss granger will you stand she asked I kind ...

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Hermiones pot
You know who was defeated by the golden trio and I'm proud to announce that all three of them are back at hogwarts will you three please stand mcgongall says
Ron and Harry stand but I don't
Miss granger will you stand she asked
I kind of cant professor I say
Oh that's alright she says
Everyone claps
Next thing is head boy and girl mcgongall says
Head girl is the one and only hermione granger
I smile
Everyone claps
Head boy is Draco Malfoy
Gasps we heard all over the room
Why is he head boy he shouldn't even be here he should be In Azkaban Ron said
RONALD WESLEY what an awful thing to say he was forced to do it I say
How can you stick up for thy ferret you.... you mudblood he said
Everybody gasped
I try to hold make tears but I can't I start crying
Draco wakes
He grabs my chin to get me to look at him
What happened he asked
R...Ron c..called m...me a...a m...mud....mudblood I say
I feel arms wrapped around me it was dracos he is hugging me
Thank you I say
For what he says
Comforting me I say
After he's done hugging me he pulls back and stands and walks over to Ron
Now his wand is pointed at Ron
How could you tell your friend that she is a.. is a he couldn't even finish the sentence
Is a what a mudblood he says
Yes that he says
Because she is and why are you sticking up for her she is the one you called a mudblood for years and bullied her he says
I didn't mean any of it Draco said
Well I mean all of it she is a filthy mud.... Ron started
STUPITIFY Draco yells
Ron fell to the ground
Draco ran back to me
Are you alright he asks
I shake my head
Oh mione he says
He hugs me again
Why would Ron say something like that I ask
I don't know he says
Why did you stun him everyone will say you did something worse to him I say
I don't care I couldn't let him finish his sentence he said
While you were asleep we got picked to be head boy and girl I say
Really he says
Really I say
That's surprising I wonder why i got picked to be head boy he asks
Dunno I say
Mione are you okay I hear Harry running up to me
He notices draco
Sod off Malfoy
He is staying I say
But he starts
No buts he is my friend and you have to deal with that I say
Draco looked at me I'm your friend he asks
Yes I say
He hugs me again
Okay students settle down mcgongall says
Mister Wesley report to my office after dinner she says
Yes mam he says
I walk over to my table and Draco walks to his
Okay students let the feast begin but before I forget head boy and girl come to my office after dinner along with mister Wesley
Yes mam me and Draco say
We eat
Everyone is exiting the great hall
I wait for Draco
Hey he said
Hey I say
You okay he said
Yeah are you I ask
Yeah my arm still stings though he says
My scar does that If I touch it but its okay I say
Again I'm so sorry about what happened to you draco says
It is okay I say
No it's not i should of helped but instead I just let it happen he says

You couldn't help me or we would both have died because they would know you actually did recognized us.i say
We are at the gargoyle
Sherbet lemons
The stairs Start to firm we step on them and we knock on mcgongalls door the door opens and Ron steps out
He looks at me In disgust
And walks off
I hold back my tears but It didn't help I started crying
Draco noticed he hugs me
It's alright mione remember what you told me marks don't define us so don't listen to him the scar on your arm only tells you of what has happened not who or what you are okay he says
Okay I say
Come in we hear from the other side of the door
We walk in
Good evening miss granger mister Malfoy
Professor we say at the same time
Okay you two are head boy and head girl so you will share a common room
Okay we say
Then every night at midnight you will do your patrols with the prefects
The prefects this year are:
Griffendor: Harry potter and Ginny Wesley
Slytherians: Blaise zabini and pansy parkinson
Ravenclaw: micheal Lincoln and Luna love good
Hufflepuff: Adam gold and Hannah Abbott
What I need you two to do is assign we're they patrol
now I will lead you to your dormitory your stuff is already there so it's not a problem follow me
We walk down the hall up to this new tower
We walk to this picture of professor dumbledore
The password is always
Good evening miss granger and mister Malfoy congratulations on head boy and Girl he says
Good evening professor and thank you I say
I look at Draco and he is staring at dumbledore looking like he is about to cry
Dumbledore notices
My boy I know you blame yourself but its okay you didn't do it and that's the important part it is not your fault he said
Professor I'm so so sorry he mumbled
It's okay my boy dumbledore said
Always I say
The portrait opens and we walk in
The common room is huge book shelves cover the walls
their is a door on your left and that will be your room miss granger and mister Malfoy yours is on the right and the door in the middle is the bathroom okay now off to bed she says and walks out I walk up to my door and open the door to see a gold four post bed and red walls with gold Griffendor symbols
I turn and walk out of my room and ask draco if we should look at each others
He walks to my room and I walk to his his room is like mine but is a black four post bed with green walls and black slytherian symbols
I walk back out and sit on the couch
Few seconds later draco sits next to me
So do you still date Wesley he asks
Not anymore I'm breaking up with him I say
Oh he says
Do you want to sleep with me tonight I've been getting nightmares lately and it will help If someone lays with me I say
Yeah sure he says
I've been having night mares too he states
Oh I say we'll let's go to bed I say
Okay he says
We walk to my room and get under the covers
I lay my head on his chest and slowly drift to sleep with rubbing circles on my shoulder.
Goodnight mione is the last thing I heard before I drifted into unconsciousness.


The scars between us (a dramione fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now