Professor weasley

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Dracos povWe just got back from the Burrow And now me and hermione are In the common room sitting and talkingDrake?Yes? Um

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Dracos pov
We just got back from the Burrow
And now me and hermione are In the common room sitting and talking
Um.. well I'm kinda hungry you want to go to dinner.
Yeah sure but are you ready to face all the rumors about you.
I'll be fine as long as you don't leave me.
I won't let's go I grab her hand and we walked to the great hall
Once we entered Ginny was yelling with her wand out pointed at pansy we rushed over to them
What's going on hermione asked
Oh nothing just I'm tired of pansy calling you a slut and a mudblood so I yelled at her to stop saying those things but she pulled her wand out and now here we are
Pansy put you wand down I say
Why should I drakykins she's brain washed you I should kill her pansy said turning and pointing her wand at hermione
Crucio she said and hermione fell to the ground in pain she let out a high pitched scream
STUPITIFY I shout and pansy falls to the ground
I rush over to hermione she is still feeling the after effects of the spell
Mione are you okay
No she croaked
Ginny get pomfrey
Ginny rushed out of the great hall only to come back a few minutes later with pomfrey and mcgongall
What has happened pomfrey said
Rushing over to hermione
parkinson hit mione with the cruciatus curse I say
And what was miss parkinson hit with mcgongall said
Stupidify I say
Okay we need to get miss granger to the hospital wing mr Malfoy can you carry miss granger
Yes I say
I pick hermione up and lead her to the hospital wing
With Ginny Blaise and Harry tagging not far behind.
I laid her on the bed while mp worked on hermione
She will need to stay over night but she will be okay mp said
We all stayed by her side all night everyone was fast asleep except me.
Hermione started to stir she then opened her eyes she looked around
Her eyes finally landed on me
Drake she said
Mione I say
I walk over to her and hold her closely
Will you lay with me she asked
Yes of course I say gently laying with her she puts her head on my chest
Draco she said
Yes mione I ask
I love you she said
I love you too I say bursting with excitement
We both fell asleep on the hospital bed with Blaise Harry and Ginny sleeping in the chairs.
I woke up too people talking quietly
I opened my eyes to see Harry and hermione talking
Hello draco Harry said
Morning I say groggily
We should wake up Ginny and Blaise and go to the great hall and then to class oh and don't forget George starts teaching today Hermione said
Okay let's go I wake Blaise
He grumbles something like you arse I was comfortable and stands then sits on hermiones bed
Hey Blaise hermione said
Hey mione how you doing Blaise asked
I just wish I could have a good day for once she says her hand thrown in the air in defeat
You have it eventually maybe even today Blaise said
We'll see she says
Well lets go to the great hall I'm starved I never did get anything to eat last night she said
Well maybe this trip will be in eventful
We walked to the great hall

Hermiones pov
HERMIONE! someone says running up to me pulling me into a hug and spins me around he finally let go and I'm meet with George Weasley
Georgy I say
Mione are you okay he asked concerned
Yeah fine you made my day better though I say
Yeah I'm glad to be here I know I just saw you but I really missed you mione he said
Me too and do I have to call you professor or Weasley now I ask hands on my hips
No you can call me Georgy but only you can call me that since that's your nickname for me he winked
I smiled
Well I got to go sit at the head table so see you later in class mione he said hugging me one more time before leaving.
We sat down ignoring the stares from everyone and eat our breakfast
Hey gin could I talk to you I ask
Yeah sure she said we walked into the corridor
What's up mione she asked
Well last night when you Harry and Blaise were asleep I kinda told draco I loved him I say
Oh my mione that's wonderful she said
What did he say she asked
He said he loved me too I say smiling
This is amazing she said
Well lets get to class we don't want to be late for your brothers class now do we I say
He's your brother too you know she said
I know I say
We walk into class and I sit by draco.

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