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Sorry for not updating for so long! I've been really busy with my studies. :(
But this chapter is pretty long, I hope it makes up for it. Enjoy!

Chapter 3.

Scene 1.

[Gym, The Royal Palace, Wales, 8:12 am, You don't want your legs to work?]

(Robin is sitting on his wheelchair and David is standing next to him. Louis is crouched infront of Robin and is checking his legs with a help of an instrument.)

Louis: "Your legs have sensation, Sir. It's a great thing."(removes the instrument, happily) "It means that your legs have the potential to be normal again."(Robin turns his face to side angrily, Louis ignores him) "So, should we start exercising? It would be nothing much, I will just try to move your leg up and down."

Robin: (snaps, moves his wheelchair back) "No. I don't want to exercise."

Louis: (startled, confused) "What? You don't want your legs to get better?"

Robin: (ignores him) "David, take me to my room."

David: "As you say, Your Highness."(starts moving the wheelchair)

Louis: (sits down, confused) "What...the..hell?"

Scene 2.

[Living Room, The Royal Palace, Wales, 10:56 am, Rude.]

(Louis is sprawled on the couch, playing on his xbox and is wearing a watermelon shirt with tight blue ripped jeans.)

Anne: (enters the living room, clears her throat, Louis sits up immediately, eyes his clothes) "You wanted to talk to me, Dr. Tomlinson?"

Louis: (throws his controller to the side, stands infront of her) "Yes. I'm afraid to tell you this but Sir Robin doesn't exercise."(shakes his head) "It seems as if he doesn't want his legs to get better."

Anne: (narrows her eyes, angry) "Dr. Tomlinson, you have no right to speak like that."

Louis: "But I didn't say anythi-"

Anne: "If you can't handle the case then we can hire someone else."(stomps out of the room)

Louis: (flays his arm in the air, loud) "Why is everyone so fucking rude in this family?"

Scene 3.

[Garden, The Royal Palace, Wales, 3:56 pm, Acting?]

(Louis is walking in the garden and taking selfies when he sees Emma standing on the side, holding a piece of paper in her hands and speaking something to herself. Louis walks towards her.)

Louis:  (to himself) "She is the only person that I like so far in this stupid Palace."

Emma: (walking back and forth) "Edward, don't do this to me! Edward, please! W-We can run away, nobody has to know about this! Just..just don't leave me."(Louis gasps loudly) "I'll die without you!"

Louis: (stomps towards her) "Let me tell you Emma, it's not worth it."(Emma turns to him confused) "These stupid teenage relationships don't even matter in the future. Where's your phone? Give me your phone, I'll talk to the bastard-"

Emma: (very amused, hands Louis the paper) "You're an idiot."

Louis: (reads what is written on the paper) "Edward: Try to understand, Angela! I can't be with you. My parents will never approve of this relationshi- oh!"(realises, chuckles, looks up) "Oh, so this is a script and you were acting. You're damn good, Ems, I almost believed you."

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