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Chapter 2.

[ In the Cab, Wales, 2:03 pm, Perfectly Normal Clothes.]

(Louis is wearing a black and white oversized jumper, tight fit light blue jeans and a pair of bright red vans. He also has a yellow bag with him which has a smiley face on it.)

(On the phone.)

Louis: (groaning) "Yes, mum, I'm going to arrive there one day early because I stupidly took an early flight."

Johannah: "That's good."(pause) "Tell me you aren't wearing excessively informal clothes!"

Louis: (glances down at his outfit, incredulous) "What? I'm wearing perfectly normal clothes."(shakes his head) "Not at all informal."

Johannah: "Thank god."(smiling) "Call me after you meet the Prince, alright?"

Louis: "I can't believe that you're my mother."(laughs) "And yeah, I'll call you at night."

Scene 2.

[The Royal Palace, Wales, 2:29 pm, Is this real?]

(Louis arrives at the Royal Palace, a servant takes his bags inside.)

Louis: (standing in the front lawn, gasps as he looks at the Palace, wide-eyed, amazed) "I can't believe that this shit is fucking real."(takes out his phone, grinning) "I need to take selfies. I'd look so cool!"(takes a few stupid selfies with the Palace as his background, smirks) "Niall is gonna be so jealous!"

(after a minute, notices the King sitting on a wheelchair and an old man standing next to him, walks towards them)

Robin: (talking to the flower, touches it delicately) "One day you will lose your beauty too. You will be old, just like me."

Louis: (walks towards Robin, smiling) "I'm afraid you're wrong, Sir. A man is never old physically, but mentally."

Robin: (startled, looks up, eyes Louis from head to toe) "And you are?"

Louis: (grins) "Dr. Louis Tomlinson, your new physiotherapist."

Robin: (nods) "Very well, then."(to David) "Take him inside, David."

Louis: (starts walking with David, adjusts the strap of his bag on his shoulder, looks back, grins) "Bye, Sir! It was nice meeting you."

(Inside the Palace)

Louis: (gapes as he looks around, amazed) "Holy shit."(looks at the floor, can see his reflection in it, waves at his own reflection, grins, to himself) "Why is everything so beautiful here?"

David: (stops infront of the stairs, folds his hands, formal) "I'll inform Queen Anne about your presence, Sir. Till then, please wait here."

Louis: (not paying attention to him, looking around) "Yeah, okay."(David walks away, Louis walks towards the shelf where antique showpieces are kept, picks one up carelessly) "Wow! This is so cool."(puts it back, walks towards a big statue, grins) "This Palace is so cool. My phone is gonna be full of selfies."(takes out his phone, stands with the statue, makes a weird face, puts his arm around it, the statue loses its balance and falls on top of him, barely manages to hold him up, screams slightly) "Stupid shit statue!"

Anne: (walking down the stairs) "Dr. Tomlin-"(notices that Louis is barely holding the statue up, gasps) "David, help him!"(quickly walks down)

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