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A moment of silence for how incredibly beautiful Harry looks in the media.


Chapter 6.

Scene 1.

[Living Room, The Royal Palace, 9:14 am, Favourite.]

(Louis is waiting for Robin, playing chess with himself)

Louis: (places a black rook randomly on the board, yawns loudly) "This is so incredibly boring. Why do these royal people like such boring things?"(fold his arms on the table, puts his head on it, closes his eyes) "Good night to me."

(Ten minutes later, Robin enters the room, he smiles as he sees Louis sitting/sleeping)

Robin: (whispers to David) "Take me to him. Don't make any noise."

David: (smiles, whispers) "Yes, Your Highness."(slowly moves the wheel chair to Louis)

(Louis doesn't notice their presence, Robin eyes the game and plans a move in his head)

Robin: (moves the white knight, smirks) "Check and Mate, Doctor."

Louis: (startled, gasps, looks up) "Oh my god."(grins, throws his arms around Robin) "I thought you weren't gonna come!"

Robin: (laughs, pulls away) "I can't disappoint my favourite Doctor now, can I?"

Louis: (grinning) "You're the absolute best. So what do you suggest we do today? Exercise?"

Robin: (sulks) "I already think that I made a wrong decision. I worked really hard to have this much body fat, you know?"

Louis: (laughs) "Let's go to the gym, Robin."

Scene 2.

Two Days Later.

[Gym, The Royal Palace, Wales, 12:47 pm, Bath.]

(Robin is sitting on his wheelchair and Louis is crouched on the floor in front of him, moving his leg up and down)

Louis: (moving his leg, counting) "Seventy nine, eighty, eighty one-"

Robin: (stops, panting) "That's- That's enough for today I think. I can't do anymore today."

Louis: (squints his eyes) "Bullshit. You did ninenty yesterday, you have to do at least hundred and ten today!"

Robin: (gapes, shakes his head in horror) "No-"

(Harry enters the Gym wearing a nice blue suit)

Robin: (sees Harry, sighs in relief) "Harry! What a surprise!"

Harry: (walks towards them, smiling) "Hello father, hello doctor."

Louis: "Hello, Curls!"

Harry: "So, how's it going? Enjoying the exercising, father?"

Louis: (grins, excited) "Oh, it's going absolutely perfect, my dear Harold! Right, Robin?"

Robin: (snorts) "Yes."

Harry: (laughs, after a minute) "So, father, I'm going to Bath today. I have fixed a meeting with Mr. Douglas."

Louis: (gasps, loudly) "Mr. Douglas as in Mr. James Douglas? The King of fucking Bath?!"

Harry: (looks at him weirdly, nods) "Yes."(looks at Robin) "The drive is around three hours, so I'll probably be back till midnight."

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