Storie of the bad ass alpha daughter

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i was at the mall with my four best friends Zack Eric, Melissa, and Shayna. Zack is Melissa's mate and Eric is Shayna's mate. You are probably a little bit confused so let me help you. we are all werewolves. I am the alpha's daughter and I am-excuse my language- the bad ass of the pack. we were sitting on a bench in the pack's mall when i caught this amazing scent. 'Mate' my wolf says. 'go find mate' she orders me. "guys I'll be right back" i said to them. "okay whatever girl just don't do anything stupid your dad'll throw another shit fit if he has to get you from another holding cell" Shayna said. "yeah i know" i said back to her. "it's sad that your the alpha's daughter and the people at the police station know you by name and all that your there like every week in a holding cell." Eric said. "yeah yeah whatever guys i really have to go and I'll catch up with you later."i said hastily. "jeez Delphi you act like you've found your mate and your trying to get him before he runs away or something" Melissa said. " uuuuuuuhhhhhhh" i said scratching the back of my neck and biting my lip, something i always do when i'm hiding something or nervous. "OH MY GOD NO WAY!!!" Melissa almost screamed. "that's exactly whats going on!!!" "uh kinda soooo i gotta go bye!!!" i said as i left to find where the wonderful scent is coming from. "Call us!!!" Zack yelled after me. "Will do!!!!!" I yelled back to him.

Storie of the bad ass alpha daughterWhere stories live. Discover now