Homecomings Part 1

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"Jamal.. please"

"What baby?" Jamal says as his lips leaves the other mans neck.

"My sister is coming and I need you to be on your best behavior"

Ryan pushes off Jamal slightly and gets up. Going to the window of their apartment.

As the silence was about to get to an awkward point.

"I'm just...nervous" Ryan whispers.

"Why?" Jamal says as he gets up to put his arms about Ryans waist.

"I mean, I meet your family already, I don't see what's different" Jamal continues

"My sister is something else Jamal, she's the youngest and she has been through and seen a lot" Ryan states.

"What does that have to do with me trying get some of this.." Jamal says as he kisses Ryans neck slightly

Ryan sighs and turns around to face his boyfriend.

"A lot." Ryan says before pushing Jamal off and going up stairs.


"Who is it? God damn." 

Jamal mumbles coming down stairs with just his pajama pants on.

"Wait a minute!" Jamal yells as the banging on the door gets louder

Jamal finally opens the door seeing his brother Hakeem.

"Hey, what's -" Jamal starts to say

Hakeem pushes Jamal on the wall looking into his brother's eyes

"You bailed him out? After all the shit he's done?!" Hakeem starts to yell

"What are talking about?" Jamal replies

''Don't play that shit with me Jamal, you know, everyone knows!"

"About what?!" Jamal yells in his little brothers face

Hakeem finally sees his brothers confusion so he lets go of Jamal and takes out his phone

"This" giving his phone to Jamal

An article shows a picture of Lucious getting into a black van with the headline

"Lucious Lyon Gets Bailed Out After Three Months In Jail"


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