Lies and Deep Cuts

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Jamal steps out the elevator, to his apartment complex. He hasn't been here since his encounter with Liyah and the following fight that him and Ryan had afterwards.

Jamal has been feeling nothing but stress, he has to somehow get Kia to do a duet with Hakeem, his own mother is trying to ruin his company, and his boyfriend is upset at him because of Liyah...Liyah.

Hearing her name makes him feel disgusted. It feels like Ryan and his relationship is in the rocks because of her. Jamal has never meet anyone so ignorant in his life.

Ending his thoughts, he takes the key to his apartment door and opens it.


Jamal walks in and takes off his jackets and sets it on the couch as he sits down.

He then hears foot steps coming down the stairs behind him and a voice speaks;

"Hey, did you call mom about d-"

Liyah stops when she sees Jamal

Silence. Again.

It stays like that for a while until Jamal says something

"Uhm, is your brother here?"

" No, obviously, but he said that he was going out and coming back around 7" She looks at the clock that now says 8:30

"Well, did you try calling him?" Jamal ask standing up, walking towards the younger girl

"Yeah, but- why am I talking to you" Liyah says putting her hands on the air, walking towards the kitchen

"What is it?" "Why don't like me"? Jamal questions

"I told you already"

"Look, Liyah i-"

"He left." Liyah spats out


"He was supposed to come back, he came out here to pursue his dream and said he would come back and visit but he never did" Liyah says while she sits down with tears in her eyes

"He was there for me, for everything and he left because of you" Liyah continues

It hurt Jamal to see her like that. It was a sight that he never though he would see.

"And now he's some 25 year old that waves his rainbow flag around"

"i'm sorry " Jamal says as he sits down next to the girl

The young girl sighs at the older man and says

"No, i'm sorry jamal, i'm-"

Liyah gets cut off by her own tears, this was the first time she has ever told anyone about how her feelings. She only told Ryan about everything because that's the only person who gave her the time of day. Now that he is with Jamal, it's the complete opposite. Which doesn't help because back at home, their father came back but now he's suffering from PTSD. And their mother is still cheating on their father as he is struggling with his own demons.

She just feels alone and that she's has no one, but with her telling Jamal how she feels about him, helped a little bit.

The young girls runs up the stairs and drops onto her bed, puts her face in her pillow and cries.

Seconds later, she sits up and puts her ear to her bedroom door to see if jamal was still there. She doesn't hear anything so she slips out her room into the bathroom and closes the door

Liyah looks into the mirror, looks down and sees the razor blade on the counter, picks it up and puts it against her skin.


Rhonda reads her small book as she sitting up on her headboard.

That's all she's been doing since she found she was "pregnant"

But in reality, she not pregnant at all. Well she was but sadly got a miscarriage.

The worse part is, she hasn't told Andre.

The blonde haired women gets up from her bed and walks to her desk inside the room and grabs her laptop

Rhonda opens it, and looks at the picture that's her screen saver. It's her and Andre on their wedding day.

She looks at that picture and remembers the happy memories they had together.

And wonders will it be the same once she tells Andre about the miscarriage and the fact that it wasn't his child.

The woman shakes her head and pulls out her cell phone and goes through her contact list and pushes call on her phone.

Rhonda was finally telling the actual father that she's pregnant or was pregnant.

The phone rings until the phone picks ups and she says his name, as if it's poison coming out her lips


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