The Game Begins Part 2

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continuing from the games begin part 1...

"The hell do you mean I'm next?" Kia yells at Jamal

"Hush!, look I'm not going to kill you but they wanted me to"

Kia looks at Jamal confused "They? Who is they Jamal?"

"Aaliyah and Anika"

"Who is Aaliyah?"

"That's Liyah's full name, Kia.. Anyways that's not what I'm here for, I need to warn you guys." Jamal says walking to sit on the couch
"Warn us?" Kia starts " you should have warned us when Hakeem almost got killed, you should have warned us before this whole taking over Empire falasco and you could have warned us that you and Aaliyah were having an affair" Kia says with her arms crossed
Jamal laughs the the younger girl
''First of all me and Aaliyah aren't even together, second of all I was dragged into this because I believed Aaliyah and the lies she told, third of all you should be happy because I could've have let your bitch ass die a couple minutes ago"

Kia looked at Jamal shockingly. Who would've thought the guy would grow some balls.

"What's going on then Jamal? 'keem told me about her dad working with your parents and him not getting recognized for it and how he planned to kill Lucious and Cookie but Lucious ended up killing him first"

Jamal nods his head for her to continue

"But what about Anika? Why is she apart of it?"

"Anika is Aaliyah's mother"

Kia looked at Jamal shockingly...again

Kia's eyes get wide in shock "What?"

"Yeah, that's why they're planning on taking over Empire but they needed to get rid of people first"

"So they wanted to kill me and Hakeem..why?" Kia questions

"You guys are useless to them, no offense"

Kia takes a deep breath and sighs
"I need to sit for a minute" She sits on the couch

"I just wanted to warn you guys, they wanted me to kill you and pin it against lucious which would put him in jail for good, which leds them to ownership of Empire"

With her head in her hands she replies "Thanks Jamal"

Jamal leaves the condo, which leads to Kia figuring out what to do. She didn't want to wake up and bother Hakeem so she went to one person that knew what to do.

'' See, I knew there was something wrong with that boo boo kitty no havin' ass bitch'' Cookie says shaking her head

''What do we do? Do we call the police?'' Kia ask

''Nah, fuck the police-"

"Ayeee that's my song!!" Porsha says walking in the room

Cookie side-eyes Porsha which leads her to be quiet

"Like I was saying, we don't need to call them just yet. I got a plan" Cookie says as she puts on her black coat and grabs her purse

"Let's go" Cookie grabs Kia's car keys and throw them to her

"Where are we going?" Kia says getting up, walking with Cookie

"You'll see"

Cookie and Kia walk into the medical facility Liyah is in. The two women stop at the front desk

"Hi, we're looking for Aaliyah Haughton?" Cookie ask politely

The middle-aged white woman looked at the two like they were crazy

"Well..where is she?" Kia ask

"She checked out two hours ago" The woman says

"What, what? By who?" Kia says

"I'm sorry, i am not allowed to disclose that information to you" the middle-aged woman says "Now have a great day"

Cookie and Kia looks at each other

"Where could she be?" Kia ask

Cookie thinks for a while and her eyes widen

"That boo boo shady bitch"

With that the two women leave trying to look for the other set of women. The two start riding around the city but ended up giving up an hour later due to being hungry. The two women go to McDonald's and decided to head home. Along the drive, there is an ambulance and police cars ahead of them. They all ended up at Hakeem's house.

"Oh no, Hakeem!" Kia gets out the car and runs into the house

Once she gets in she sees Hakeem in his wheelchair talking to police with Jamal by his side.

Cookie walks in the house and looks around "What's going on?"

A police officer stops Cookie from going and futher while another one pushes Kia back

"Please leave the building at this time ladies, this is a investigation" The officer says calmly

"For what?" The women say in unison

At that moment a body in a black bag is getting pulled out on a stretcher. Kia and Cookie gasp.

"Who is this? None was here when i left..what's going on i-i" Kia starts to breathe fast, putting her hand on her head

"Calm down please" The officer says calmly, once again

I'm usual not supposed to do this but.."

The officer walks to the body bag, motioning the women to come near it as well. Once he gets there, he takes his hand slowy and puts it in the zipper and zips it down to the persons chest, revealing the body

"No..Oh my gosh please NO" Cookie says starting to sob slowly as well as Kia.

Empire Series: The Legacy BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now