Chapter 8

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.oO Andy's POV Oo.

I heard a knock on my bed room door.

"Come in.." It was Matt. He opens the door holding a piece of paper.

"Hey Andy, How are you?"

"I'm okay.. What's that?" I gestured to the paper in his hand.

"It's from Josh.. He asked me to give it to you.." He reached his arm out and handed me the paper. I thanked him and he left me alone to read it.

Dear Andy,

I was doing a lot of thinking about us. And how I'm going to rehab. And well, I really like you. But I think it's best if we're just friends. Especially since, you're Matt's sister. I can't put Matt through that. It's unfair for him. I never really loved you Andy.


By the time I finished reading the letter, I was crying my eyes out.

Just friends? Just, friends?

I never really loved you? Wow. That's low. Even for Josh. Especially since I'm Matt's sister? That never stopped him before. Besides he's the one who made the first move. It's unfair for him? More like unfair for me. Fuck him! I never want to see him ever again! I hate him! I HATE BOYS!

I got up from my bed, and walked to my desk, still crying. I reached into my drawer, and pulled out a blade I never gave to Matt. I looked at the blade. I thought of Matt. He wouldn't want me cutting myself. But then I thought of the letter the asshole gave me. He could careless if I cut myself. I drew it sharply against my skin. Blood oozing out of the fresh cut. I cut a bit deeper this time. I started to cry even more. Sadness, and pain. I started to feel a bit dizzy.

.oO Matt's POV Oo.

I was in the kitchen, thinking about what I had just done. It was for the best! Wasn't it? I heard a loud thud.

"Andy?" I yelled. I ran into her room.

"Andy?!" She was laying on the floor motionless. I saw blood gushing out of her wrists. All I could think about is if it was the letter that made her do that. Was it my fault? It was my fault! Dammit I made my sister cut herself! I lifted my sister over my shoulder, and into my car. Thank god, our parents went away to Arizona for a week! They would be screaming at Andy for hurting her body. Then they'd blame Josh for everything. I guess I can't stay mad at Josh forever. I mean he's my best friend.

I picked Andy up out of my car, and rushed her into the emergency room.

"What happened?"

"My sister passed out. I think because she lost a lot of blood."

"How was she loosing blood?"

"She cut herself."


They rushed her into a room fast. They sewed up her wrist. And gave her blood. She hasn't regained consciousness yet.


"Where are we?" Andy asked groggily. I guess she woke up.

"We're at the hospital."

"What happened after you gave me that letter Josh wrote?"

"I heard a thud in your room. I walked in. And I saw you laying on the ground. You lost a lot of blood."

"I guess I cut myself to deep..."

"Andy, why did you cut yourself this time?"

"The letter Josh wrote me." IT WAS ME! I feel really guilty.

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