Chapter 2

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Sorry this took awhile! Me and the other writer have different schedules, so it's hard to find a time that works for both of us! And that the fact one of us is sick! We'll try to have a new chapter up every Monday. Anyways on with the chapter!

.oO Andy's POV Oo.

"Matt it's not what it looks like!" Andy says.

"Really? 'Cause it looks like Josh, is sucking my sisters face!" Matt always was over protective.

"I think it's time for you to leave, Andy." There was no use trying to argue with him.

"Fine." I grabbed my jacket. I took one last look at Josh. He winked at me.

"Bye Josh."

"Bye Andy." I bit my lip and left.

.oO Josh's POV Oo.

"Matt it's not what it looks like!" Andy says.

"Really? 'Cause it looks like Josh is sucking my sisters face!" Matt replies. He is way to over protective.

"I think it's time for you to leave, Andy." Andy didn't argue.

"Fine." She says in a quieter tone. She grabbed her jacket. She took one last look at me. I winked at her.

"Bye Josh."

"Bye Andy." She bit her lip and left.

"What was that?" Matt asks.

"Nothing!" I answered.

"You were kissing my little sister!"

"I know! I'm sorry!" I lied, I wasn't sorry. Sure, I felt bad for kissing Matt's sister. But it's his step sister. It felt right though. I love her! I've known her since pre school.

"What ever. Can we just get back to practicing?"

"Sure, I wrote a new song. Wanna hear it?"

"Sure." Josh picks up his guitar and starts singing.

"I never took you for a trick but sometimes I don't know what you want, I can take it, if you need to take this out on someone." He continues to sing.

"That was pretty good Josh!"

"Thanks!" After our little practice my mom and dad came home. My mom came and knocked on the door.


"What?" She opens the door.

"Oh hello Matthew!"

"Hi Mrs. Ramsay."

"Will you be joining us for supper this evening?"

"Yes please! Thank you Mrs. Ramsay! You're a great cook!"

"Thank you Matthew!"

"What did you want mom?" I ask.

"If you will be joining us for supper tonight?"

"Sure." I answer.

"Okay." She closes the door. Matt and I do a little more practicing.

.oO Andy's POV Oo.

I left. When I got in the house I went straight for my room. I buried my head in my pillow. I kissed him. I kissed Josh. I haven't talked or seen him in months, then we kiss? It can't be right? Can it? It felt right. Then along comes Matt and wrecks everything! Josh and I had a moment. I think he likes me. He said he wanted to kiss me for along time. What ever.

I got a text from Victoria. Vicki for short.

/Hey Andy! Are you coming to Josh's party Friday night? It's gonna be a blast! Andrew and I are gonna be there!/-Vicki Andrew is her boyfriend.

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