Chapter 1

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As I walked around outside my manor, I mumbled spells to myself. The one night I leave my manor alone, someone breaks the spells I have on it. Thankfully, for Nagini this was a wonderful event. As it resulted in her over-filling dinner, which resulted in her having more energy. Lord Voldemort had left Nagini to me to take care of when she got sick, since I'm the only other person she actually trusts. Also because I'm the only one who knew how to revive her. As I walked around my manor, I placed charms and curses and any other thing I could possibly think of upon the mansion. I made my way towards the iron gates at the front of the property, still mumbling spells under my breath.

The sky around my manor was a jumble of different coloured sparks from the curses and charms being cast. The air around myself was a dark, pitch-black haze, an aura of my anger. It is only four in the morning, and I'm up protecting my manor. Once I reached the front gates, I exited through them and called the dementors down from their posts. Their presence usually sucks the happiness out of a person, but it doesn't work for me at four in the morning. Or ever, to be quite honest. It took me exactly five minutes to talk them back into doing their jobs and protecting my property.

Of course, that five minutes of being outside the gates of my manor resulted in the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy showing up. I began to mumble curses and charms again, acting as if I didn't know he was there. The sky once again filled up with colourful streaks of light.

"You're here at four in the morning because?" I asked, turning on my heel to face Draco.

"Because I know you're angry, upset, and even more, alone."

"How could you possible know my feelings all the way from your room in your manor?"

"If you haven't noticed, Bane, you and I kind of have a relationship here. Also, the demonic aura around you agrees" Draco stated.

"Okay okay you're right" I said, muttering the last few curses and charms.

Afterwards, I looked at Draco, then walked away. Circling my manor a thousand times is not an easy task. Finally, I found a moss covered spot and sat down.

For about an hour, I just sat there. I wasn't sure why, I wasn't thinking or anything. I was just sitting. Nothing special or anything. After that hour of just sitting, I returned inside, remembering about Nagini, who was likely waiting for her second meal.

"Can I come inside with you?" Malfoy asked me as I got to the gates of my manor.

"If you wish, Malfoy."

When I got inside the gates, Malfoy silently followed behind. "I don't understand you sometimes, Tabitha Alexis Bane" he mentioned, but quietly. As if he hadn't expected me to hear it.

"There's lots of things people don't understand about me. Many still don't understand why I removed myself from my parents lives, others deny the fact that I'm just as evil as Voldemort, and some find it hard to believe that I consider Snape my father" I rambled, taking a breath and continuing, "and sometimes, I don't understand why I like you."

"Bane... Bane... Bane. I understand all of those things, I know your deepest fear, and I know just about everything about you."

"That, that is what you think. Who knows, I could be hiding something" I said, walking in the doors of my manor.

The house elves were at rest for now, since I'd figured they needed a vacation. They'll start back work tomorrow, seeing as school is coming back after the weekend. Of course, I'm actually ready to go back. Probably because I've realised I'm pretty much feared by certain people. We've only been on the mid-year break. Something new that they've just added to the school schedule. It's a week long break, and I've been home alone the entire time. Other than having Nagini over.

"So you've just been sitting in here, with Nagini and your Rosemary scent filled room?" Malfoy asked.

"Basically, but it's alright. Nagini has been taking care of the intruders,especially the ones who somehow got past the dementors and spells upon here."

Draco nodded, "you and Edward are still together, aren't you?" He asked cautiously.

"I think. I don't really know actually..." I paused, "yeah.. We are together still."

Much time passed between Draco and I. Quiet time. Nothing was said. It was just the two of us, breathing, with the occasional interruption by a house elf or Nagini.

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