chapter 11

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** A month later **

"You know, Tab, your birthday is coming in the next few weeks" Draco said to me as we got on the Hogwarts Express to go home for winter break. Of course, I'd figured that I would be spending yet another birthday of mine, with his family. It wasn't a bad thing, it's just that I've come to hate my birthday and the excess attention it brings to me. Surprising, coming from the one and only Tabitha Alexis Bane, right?

"I'm very well aware, Draco..." I muttered as I walked along the hall and found an empty room that Draco and I... and any of our friends could sit in for the ride. I sat closest to the window, as usual. It wasn't very long before people such as Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise had entered the room too. I wasn't ready to go home, in all honesty, I wanted to stay at Hogwarts, but Dumbledore had insisted that everyone go home for this break. Not caring for conversation with anyone, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a light sleep.


"She's not herself lately" I had heard Crabbe say to everyone, and I could almost feel their nods of agreement.

"She doesn't seem very excited about her birthday coming up soon, what's that about, Draco?" Blaise had asked, legitimately curious about the situation.

"I don't know, like Crabbe said, she's not been herself. I don't think I've ever seen her like this, but-"

"But what, Draco? Don't tell me you were going to say 'it's just Tabitha' because... it's not" Goyle interrupted.


It was then that I heard the woman who walked around with the candy trolley had stopped by and asked if anyone wanted anything. Not to my amazement, I could hear Crabbe and Goyle naming off some things they wanted. Those two were always hungry, believe me when I say always. Never offer them food thinking that they won't take it, because, they will. I woke up probably an hour later, and assumed that there was likely still an hour and a half left before we would arrive back at platform 9 3/4.

Crabbe looked over at me "I got you some Pepper Imps, Tab, your favourite" he said, handing them to me.

Since when did Crabbe share? "Thanks" I said, taking them from him and opening one. I saw Blaise's mouth moving out of the corner of my eye, and noticed Draco's was too. I laughed to myself, "you know, you don't need to keep the conversation unsaid, I heard it all, before. I can be a light sleeper when I want to be, you know."

Blaise's eyes widened and he looked at me, "so then, what-"

"What's gotten into me? Nothing, I reassure you, Zabini" I said, rolling my eyes, "I just don't like the extra attention."

"Since when?"

"Since I realised my birthday is coming up" I glanced over at Draco, "someone decided to remind me."

"Probably has plans" I heard Goyle mutter to Crabbe, but I shrugged and acted like I didn't hear a word come out of his mouth.

The train stopped, apparently I was asleep for longer than I thought. Either that or the train was going faster than usual. Wouldn't be surprised if it was either one of the two. When I stepped off the train, I noticed that Severus was standing with the Malfoy family, and Sirius Black behind them all. I could clearly see both mine and Draco's items in front of them all, and made my way along. To be honest with you, I did not expect Severus, or Sirius for that matter, to be there with the Malfoy family, waiting. That must have been a last minute decision from Severus.

"Ah Tabitha, nice to see you" Lucius said, and a nod from Narcissa.

"You too, Lucius, and long time, Sirius" I said and gave a nod to Narcissa as well before I turned to Severus, "last minute decision to not stay at Hogwarts, I suppose?" I asked, picking up my stuff.

"Dumbledore insisted staff leave too, after he gave us all a speech" Severus groaned. The only speeches he liked were his own, and that's a fact.

"My house tonight for some drinks, if anyone wants" I said before apparating to my manor.

Sighing with relief as I saw the large 'B' on the dark gate, I walked up to it and pulled out my wand. Before letting myself in, I called the dements down from their posts that I had left them at.

"Not any visitors, I hope?" I asked them, and received a blank answer of no. I smiled, at least they kept up with their job this past while.

The only visitors ever allowed while I wasn't at my manor was Voldemort with or without Nagini, and Lucius with or without Narcissa, Sirius and Bellatrix. Those were the only people I trusted who could possibly have came to my mansion while I was at school. Of course, the dements knew that, and knew that by 'visitors' I had meant unwanted guests. Continuing on, I traced the large 'B' on the gates with my wand and watched as they opened. I walked through the gates and up to my front door, where I was greeted by one of my house elves. After saying our hellos to one another, I continued into my mansion and had my stuff sent to my room, where it would likely be untouched until it was time to go back to Hogwarts. After I had my stuff sent to my room, I walked into the kitchen where I grabbed a drink and sat down.

One of the new house elves that worked in the kitchen had come up to me and sat down next to me, "hello, Tabitha" she said.

"Hello, Mim. Home's getting a bit boring I feel, don't you all want to go on a vacation or something?" I asked after taking a sip from my drink.

"I suppose, would have to ask the others, of course."

"Honestly Mim, you all could go on a vacation if you wanted. I know it gets boring here, especially when I'm at school. All you guys have to do is tell me before-hand that you're leaving for vacation" I took another sip of my drink, just about finishing it, "but only because I like to be aware of who's here and not here, if you get what I mean."

"Of course, miss Bane" Mim said, "mind if I take that from you?" she asked, noticing my cup was now empty.

"Please, thank you, Mim."

After our little conversation, I walked into the living room, where I laid down on the couch. I decided that since no one was coming over until later that I'd take a nap, it seemed like the right thing to do.

** That Night **

I was awoken by one of my house elves, Visly, "your guests have just entered through the gates, miss Bane."

"Thank you for notifying me, Visly dear" I said, sitting up and yawning. I lifted my hand above my head, waved it around the room and lit all the candles that were downstairs. It wasn't until the front door to my mansion opened that I stood up to see that my guests were Lucius, Voldemort, Severus and Draco.

"Oh dear, pleasant surprise. Calling a meeting I suppose?" I asked Voldemort sarcastically.

"This isn't even everyone my dear" Voldemort said to me, walking into the living room, "we're just the only ones who knew you wanted guests over."

"It gets boring here alone, ask Severus. That's why he's never here and usually stays at Hogwarts."

Voldemort didn't reply, as he knew it was a true statement. He'd know from experience as well.

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