chapter 8

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I had wanted to ignore Edward, act as though I didn't hear him over the chatter. Of course, to my luck I could not do that due to the silence of all of my friends as they groaned about having to go to class. As I hadn't really any other choice but to speak to him, I continued walking, but allowed him to catch up to me. I figured that this conversation wouldn't go very well, as he was one of the ones I'd kicked from the group.

I had made that decision with the help of Tom Riddle the other night. The people I'd chosen to prove loyalty once more and the others I'd chosen to kick were already chose previous to that night, it was just a simple matter of what to do with Edward. Of course, I'd figured it'd also be best for my reputation, Edward had been getting very friendly with the twins from Beauxbaton's and, well, I don't put up with utter tosh like that. So of course, when he started the conversation, I wasn't too very excited, as I already saw this conversation wasn't going to start or end very well. 

"You've been quite distant from me, Tabs" Edward spoke first.

"Well, I've got my priorities, and clearly you do too, with those disgusting twins from Beauxbaton's. Is there anything else you'd like to clear up?" I asked, as I turned down the hall heading to History of Magic.

"Only the idea you and Malfoy have ben very close lately" Edward replied in a tone as though he already knew how I was going to reply. 

"That's a clearly obvious topic there, Slytherin. He's been my best-friend since birth, really" I said clearly, "see, if I am to explain my friendships or what-so-ever with other people, I would insist you tell me all about these disgusting, girly, nice and caring twins who should be in Hufflepuff. It is not a sensitive topic to me, as I could care less about you or your current relationships with others, because as I said, I have my priorities as do you. So, if I do say so myself, this conversation is over, as are we" I finished. I was going to be late to History of Magic due to my stopping in the hallway to get that situation off my chest. 

Edward stood silent, either trying to think of a response, or trying to process all of what I'd said. Holding back a laugh, as this was supposed to be serious matter, I said goodbye and walked my way to History of Magic.

It Ended There.

 I had stepped into class just seconds before Professor Binns entered through the chalk board. Quickly getting situated in my seat in the back of the classroom next to Draco, I acted as though I hadn't almost been late to the class. Professor Binns surely couldn't have known about my before-class activity today. Though, he is a ghost and could've been anywhere, I chose to believe not so. Professor Binns looked around the classroom, checking to see for missing students, which was a rare occasion as many people enjoyed his class because of the mere fact it's the only class taught by a ghost. Well, that and he tried his best to be very entertaining. 

"First, before class begins, I'd like to congratulate a few students in the class on their recent achievements of making their house quidditch team. For Gryffindor, Ron Weasley and Harry potter, congratulations to you both. For Slytherin, Draco Malfoy, Tabitha Bane and Graham Montague, good job you three" Professor Binns said happily. 

Graham Montague is a chaser this year, he'd tried out for the position. Of course, Draco and I had talked about our Keeper-Seeker situation and decided to switch out every game. Draco plays seeker for one, I play keeper for one, then the next game, we switch out. We'd talked about it to Professor Dumbledore and our team captain, Marcus Flint. Both of which approved the idea, though Dumbledore was a bit wary on the idea. Marcus is one of mine and Draco's best friends, We'd been on the team with him since our first year, and have been friends since then. Perhaps it was the way we all bonded over our bad reputations and Pureblood families. Who knows anymore, we bond over lots of things. 

It seemed as though it had only been minutes after class started that class ended. A situation that happened often with Professor Binns class, considering it was quite enjoyable. Next was Charms class with Professor Flitwick. This was an alright class, it wasn't my most favourite, but it quite entertaining to watch those who can't get the spell right. That and it's always funny when Hermione has to teach them herself because Professor Flitwick couldn't get the student to understand. I liked Professor Flitwick, he's nice and he's not favourable of houses. I sat towards the front of the class with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Hermione, Ron and Harry sat almost directly across from us. We've always sat in the same spots since our First Year, something we've jut kind of claimed as 'our thing'. After Charms was Double Potions, my favourite class. It was my best class, also the easiest for me. That's why after I finished a single potion before the rest of the class, Severus always gave me one of the harder ones from one of my books he'd given me specifically. Draco was typically the way, sometimes he'd be on track with me, other times he'd get confused with the advanced Dark Art potion Severus would give us and I'd have to help him.

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