Chapter 12

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** next morning **

"I have a feeling that we're going to have a Quidditch game after we come back from this break" Draco said to me as we walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Of course we will, I mean, we haven't lost any games and we're obviously in the lead thanks to that" I said back, rubbing my face tiredly as if it would wake me up more.

When Draco and I got downstairs to the kitchen, I noticed we weren't the only ones there. Graham Montague was sitting at the bar. "Good morning both of you!" he said cheerfully.

"Graham, it's too early for that cheerful shit. What are you even doing here anyways? Didn't the dementors do anything?" Draco asked him. He knew about my dementor situation.

Graham only shook his head as Mim came out with a cup of coffee for him and two other drinks. I thankfully took my drink from Mim and started drinking it. Never too early for a morning drink, right? I was gonna need it today, especially since Graham was here. He is the slightest bit annoying, but he has a good heart.

"Well, Im going to go get ready for the day. Ask the house elves if you need anything" I said before walking away and heading up the stairs to my bedroom.

In my room, I was greeted by the wonderful presence of Bellatrix. I didn't say anything to her when I walked in, as she seemed busy reading one of the many spell books I kept in my room. I set my half-full cup on the bathroom counter and started getting ready for the day. I always started with putting my hair up in a bun and brushing my teeth before doing anything else. 

** Later that day ** 

"Quit playing around, Montague!" I yelled across the dark quidditch pitch. Draco had suggested the entire Slytherin team come out here and practice with one of the local teams that Draco and I weren't a part of. 

"Alright, alright" I heard him say as he came back over to the Slytherin side of the quidditch pitch.

"Fraternising with the enemy, Montague?" I heard one of our players say to Graham as he came to our circle of players. 

"Alright now everyone, shut your faces and listen. Remember, this is a practice game because we've got a game three days after we go back to school" I said before letting Draco take over as I walked away to go talk to the local teams captain. 

"Some of these kids haven't even begun their first year at Hogwarts yet, and others have, and some even may have finished their years at Hogwarts. Which means we'll be going against a variety of players. Play how we usually do" Draco stood for a moment, "and don't lose."

After I talked to the local teams captain, we set the light in the area and headed to our sides of the pitch, where we got in formation with our teams and begun the (practice) game. 

** The Next Morning **

Our team had came back from the Quidditch pitch close to one in the morning. Of course, we had won the majority of the games we played. After a while, both the local team and our team got tired of playing competitively against each other and dulled it out to a 'just for fun' type of thing. At that point, both their team and our team were going back and forth on winning games. Now, I was sitting in my room, in front of the fireplace with Bellatrix sitting across from me. Half asleep, her and I were talking about how she wants me to have a large birthday party this year. 

"Bella, my birthday is on christmas, don't you want to do something with the Malfoy's? They are your family.." I stated, hoping she'd say something agreeing that she'd do Christmas with them.

"Well, of course! But just because your birthday is on Christmas doesn't mean we can't celebrate both at the same time!" Bella cheered on, receiving an eye roll from me. She was always so cheerful when it came to my birthday.

"As long as you'll plan it, Bella" I yawned, "I don't particularly want anything about my birthday but, if you want the big deal of a party, you do the majority of the planning and I'll help out with some stuff."

"Wonderful, wonderful Tabitha! Goodnight my dear!" Bella said to me before getting up and walking out of my room. 

I got up from the couch and walked into my closet. Looking through my pyjamas, I found my comfiest pair and put them on. After putting my hair up and brushing my teeth, I walked over to my bed and went to sleep.


So, sadly, this is the last chapter of this book. I know it's shorter than my others, but there is another book coming. Its going to be more of a my version of Harry Potter. Of course, there will still be characters from the original (J.K Rowling) books and movies, and scenes. The next book will be called "The Transfers" and without giving too much away, is a spinoff where Tabitha and Draco get transferred to another magical school against their will. The book will begin at Hogwarts, with the confrontation of the situation. SO, keep a look out for that! Should be publishing the firs chapter in a week (or earlier)!


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