Chapter 7

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After Quidditch tryouts, I snuck into the shadows and made sure no one noticed I was missing. I headed towards the whomping willow, where there's a hole that leads to the Shrieking Shack. Edward would be meeting me here tonight, remember when I said I was going to re-test and remove some people from my Death Eater group? That's what this is for. I've called out everyone to meet here, so there should be six people in total tonight, not including myself. Three people will be either re-tested for loyalty or removed. I already know what's happening to who but that's not really my idea of a conversation starter. Voldemort would be here too, of course, he is one of my favorite people and best friends. He wouldn't be here as the 'no-nose Voldemort' as some would like to say, he will be here tonight as 'Tom Riddle Voldemort'. The younger version of himself. I entered the main room of the Shrieking Shack, where not to my surprise, Tom Riddle already was.

"Let's give everyone exactly ten minutes to get here, anyone who doesn't make the ten minutes is out" Tom Riddle said to me.

I just shrugged, "If that's what you think is entertaining, Tom."

"No, what's entertaining is the idea I am here like this rather than-" There was a grunt behind us and the noise of someone brushing the dirt off their clothes.

Both Tom and I looked at the opening and saw none other than Draco, and I looked over at Tom, "one still in and five to go."

"What?" Draco asked as Tom laughed.

Waving Dracos' question off, he sat down beside Tom and I, "who do you think is next?" Tom asked.

"Edward, him and Draco were at quidditch tryouts, that's where I came from so that means he and Draco shouldn't have been too far behind."

** After the Meeting **

"How come three got cut and only one person is getting re-evaluated?" Draco asked me on the way back.

"Tom had this entertaining idea to automatically cut anyone who showed up later than ten minutes after I arrived, which of course was Mark."

Tom laughed, appearing next to me, "quite entertaining, don't you think?"

Once again, I shrugged, "as I said earlier tonight, if that's what you believe is entertaining, Tom."

"I think the entertaining part is that Tom is coming back to school with us for the night" Draco spoke, "won't people know who he is?"

Tom laughed and no one said a word as we all apparated to the Slytherin common room. There were only a few people in the common room at this hour, mainly first years up talking about different classes and the teachers. Though, there were a few other fourth years in the room, and I noticed Draco looking over at Tom.

"Oh chill, I doubt any of these people know me" Tom said proudly.

Rolling my eyes, I went and sat down on the large leather sofa, joined by Tom and Draco. We spent the night not being bothered by anyone, and no one looked shocked or said anything when they saw us with Tom. That's when the three of us assumed that no one, unless they had come from families of Death Eaters knew who Tom was.

It wasn't until we noticed the sunrise from the back window of the common room that none of us had slept and that we were all shit out of luck today for classes, except Tom, of course. He didn't bother a goodbye before apparating out of the common room, to the Shrieking Shack most likely. Or possibly to mine or Draco's manor. Despite it being morning, Draco and I still had time to shower and get ready so the both of us went to grab fresh clothes and another robe from our closets. Once I had gotten my fresh clothes, robe and wand, I walked to the showers.

After we had cleaned up, Draco and I walked to the Great Hall, where we'd be the last of the Slytherin house to show up. We talked how we were going to ned something to keep us up all day since yesterday was pretty tiring. Not only a full school day, but Quidditch and that meeting were yesterday. Not to mention the all-nighter we pulled with Tom. When we got to the Great Hall we sat in our spots and began casting spells on the water to turn it into other drinks, specifically alcoholic ones that would wake us up more.

Blaise enjoyed watching us being tired, and what I hoped was him joking a few times. "Long night for you two?" He asked with a wink behind the question.

I hit him, "no, not for us two, rather for three of us," I started, allowing Draco to finish.

"Well you know about Tabithas' DeathEater group, and you know Voldemort, yeah we caught up with Tom Riddle last night. He had to get into the common room somehow without everyone knowing who he was" Draco finished for me.

"Okay... well then, way to kill the mood" Blaise said.

"Of course Tabitha and Draco would kill the mood" Samantha added.

I laughed as we all got up to head out.

"Tabs wait" Edward said, coming up behind me.

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