Chapter 3

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Last night went quite well, although, I had expected Edwards' parents to be egotistical. Which, they weren't to my surprise. His parents did follow the strict time they had set for the 'visitation' of Draco and I. They had constantly checked the time while we were there. After the time was up and everything that Edwards' parents wanted to speak about had been spoke, Draco and I had left. We had decided to walk, and when we got to the Malfoy manor, I had decided to stop in to say a quick hello to Bellatrix. Not wanting to stay for too long, I held a quick conversation with Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa before leaving to my own manor.

Now, I woke up on the train to Hogwarts. In the cabin with me were a set of twins that had transferred from Beauxbatons which Edward had invited to sit with us. Not only the new girls, but also Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Edward himself. It wasn't much of a surprise for me when I noticed Blaise and Edward talking to the new girls. Blaise was always up for talking to girls who basically had no idea that he tries to talk to everyone. Edward on the other hand is just outgoing I suppose, I've never really paid much attention. Not only did I wake up to that, but now also to a full out introduction of everybody since we were all awake.

The twins started with their names, and I waited as I heard all of my friends say theirs, except Draco. Everyone knew who Draco and I were, it didn't matter that the girls were from Beauxbatons. As it came to a dead silence in the cabin, I looked to Draco, "I'm going to go now" I said as I stood up and walked out the cabin to head towards Hermione, Harry and Ron. Before I could walk two steps out the door, Draco was behind me, following me to see Harry and his friends. When I saw them, I opened their cabin door and looked Harry dead in the eyes, "first of all, you've probably got some new house members coming today, twins from Beauxbatons. With their names and personalities, I'd hate to see them in Slytherin." I looked at Hermione, "secondly, their names are Amber and Daisy" I continued, trying not to choke on their names in disgust. Then, I looked at Ron, "and last, I don't know about Draco, but I'm sitting with you guys for the rest of the ride to school."

That's when I spun around, face-to-face with Draco, who only looked amused by all of the words that just left my mouth. Then, I sat down next to Hermione, followed by Draco who sat next to Harry and Ron. The rest of the train ride was dreadful, Hermione kept asking all these questions about how am I not upset that Edward is talking to those girls or if it's still awkward between Draco and Edward. She even asked if I still had feelings for Draco considering I've been with Edward so long. Most of the time I just shook my head 'no' and let her continue, a few I didn't answer.

-- that night --

For three straight hours I've been sitting in my room on my bed giving myself a self-contained lecture. Of course I had to keep it all in my head just in case Edward or Draco decided to burst in my room. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm so mad, but I am. My eyes are burning and dry from the tears of anger that escaped roughly an hour ago. My room still smelt like Rosemary, which always seemed to calm me some.Just like mint did. Mint and Rosemary. Two scents perfect together, carried by two imperfect people, Draco Lucius Malfoy and myself. Tabitha Alexis Bane.

Closing my eyes, I sighed and then stood up, walking out of my room. It wasn't actually too late, the Great Hall was going to be opened soon to welcome the new first years which was always wonderful. Note the sarcasm in that please. I hate people, especially the new ones who aren't afraid to ask for help. Well, it's only when they come to bother Draco and I, the two most 'famous' people in the entire school other than Harry Potter himself. To make things even better, those twins from Beauxbatons are acting to hope they get put in Slytherin. Which, in the end, will result (if they do get sorted to Slytherin) to them hanging out with Edward more often; thus resulting with me either being with the golden trio or Draco, Crabbe and Goyle more often. 

It didn't much surprise me when the twins from Beauxbatons, whom I didn't bother to remember the names of, were sorted into Slytherin. Edward invited them to sit near us, and I kept to myself. For the entire feast I sat, gazing beyond everyone at the Gryffindor table. It wasn't until I caught Hermione's eye that I stood up and left the Slytherin table to join the Gryffindors at theirs. 

"I cannot stand them" I mumbled as I took the empty seat next to Hermione, "is anybody sitting here?"

"Yeah" Ron looked up, "you" he finished surprised.

"She's our friend Ron, why are you so surprised?" Harry questioned him.

Ron only shrugged and went back to eating his dinner as Harry, Hermione, Fred, George and I carried on a conversation. "So, Harry, you're doing quidditch again this year, right?" I asked.

"Of course I am Tabs, yourself?" he responded.

"I'm thinking about it. Depends. Snape says  it might be too much with the other extra activity I've taken on."

"You should do it, and if it becomes too much I'm sure that you can find them a substitute for you. Of course, no ones going to be as great a Seeker or Keeper as you."

I only responded with a nod. Harry is right, I could always find someone to substitute for me if I need it. After all, I do know quite a few people who are good at keeper and seeker, just they don't play for school because they can never make the team with the players here. 

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