chapter 5

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If it weren't for my cat waking me, I probably would've stayed in my bed until dinner today. My owl was already out somewhere but my cat, the one from my manor, the fat fluffy one, was meowing in my ear. Deciding not to throw my pillow at the creature, I got up and grabbed the stuff I would need for today, my school uniform, wand, etcetera and headed to shower.

The dorm room was full of still sleeping first years and others, and I peacefully walked through it. At least no one was awake, because the last thing I want to hear this early in the morning is a bunch of chattering and excitement. Honestly, I think that's my problem, I hate happiness. I've never let myself become truly happy and I've come to hate excitement and everything positive. Or maybe I just start everyday out with a bad attitude and that's just ruined everything.

After my shower, I walked into the boys dorms after listening to be sure nobody was up. Another thing I didn't want was a bunch of first year boys talking of a girl in the boys dorm. Not that it would've been a big deal anyways, I've been in here lots of times. Walking through the wall that led to Draco's mint scented room, I rolled my eyes when I found him still asleep. Taking matters to my own, I sat on the edge of the bed and lifted a feather, brushing it over Draco's face in attempts to wake him. When that didn't work I picked up the glass of water next to his bed and dripped some of it onto his face.

Draco groaned and sat up, wiping the few drops of water off his face. His face showed a slight expression of surprise when he saw me. He didn't say anything as he got up and started getting dressed for today. Draco had showered last night, something I didn't have the motivation to do. Looking over at him, it wasn't much a surprise when I saw him standing at the dresser shirtless attempting to decide between a black or white shirt for the day.

"Black" I said, getting off the bed and coming towards him, "or what about this silver, that's a nice silver" I held the shirt up to him after taking it out of the open drawer of neatly folded clothes, "yeah go with silver today."

Draco wasn't much to talk in the mornings, giving me the response of a shrug as he put on the shirt and started to button it. As he then moved on to out on a pair of pants I went ahead and crossed the room to his closet, where I went ahead and got the rest of his outfit, socks and shoes, robe, and of course the most important, his wand, the brother to mine. After I had done that I waited on the chair for him to finish getting ready.

Having only been up for roughly ten minutes, Draco still wasn't talking, which wasn't anything new. It usually took about fifteen or thirty minutes for him to talk. He caught me off guard when I actually heard him speak up.

"Tabitha," he began. Tabitha? he rarely ever called me that anymore, "we've gotta talk."

"What about?" I asked carelessly.

"Don't" he said, "stop being so careless about everything, please, Tabs. We've gotta talk about how your boyfriend or whatever the hell he is to you anymore confronted me last night."

I looked at him in confusion, "Edward confronted you? what for?"

"Oh other than the fact he wants us to stop being together so often and the idea he threatened to break it all off with you? nothing" Draco said, concerned.

My response was a simple shrug along with, "let him do it. I've already re-evaluated the group, he and a few others will be proving their trust to me again or leaving the group, as well as this school and their families." Great, there's the relentless Tabitha again, not caring.

Draco glanced at me, "seriously, Tab?"

"Sorry sorry I'm done."

"Promise me one thing, no more heartless, emotionless Tabitha Bane," I glared at him, "at least for today" he finished.

"Today. That's all I will promise you. For today I'll care about every little thing and if I end up breaking down, I'm blaming you. Because the only way I get through every day is by shutting the feelings off" I said angrily as I stood to take his hand.

I practically dragged him out of his room, ignoring the first year boys who were getting ready. Eventually, about halfway through the annoying first year boys, I stopped and glared at Draco. He only shrugged and walked ahead of me as I glared at the annoyances. Following Draco to the couch in the - almost - empty common room, I sat next to him. If he was really going to make me keep all of the feelings on for an entire day, I'm not going to leave his sight, except maybe at Quidditch warm ups. Since tryouts are starting after tomorrow, best get some practice in although I don't need it.

Potions was simple, as usual, Draco and I sat in the front of the class where we always sit. Our next class was of course, DADA (defence against the dark arts, if you've forgotten). As much as I hated this class, I actually enjoyed it. Well, enjoyed the idea that this was the easiest class for me and my friends. Since my friends and I did study the Dark Arts - rather, are studying the Dark Arts - we have of course taken the time to learn the counter spells to the spells we learn.

I started thinking about Transfigurations class with Professor McGonagall, which is my next class; and today we'd be learning to turn a Hedgehog into a Pincushion. Something I'd never quite think would ever come handy once we're out of Hogwarts. Not only that, but if everyone in the class could manage that spell a few times, we'd start on Switching Spells.

I hope this chapter wasn't too much all at once, trying to get the story going a little faster, you know?

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